1. The scary part is… The right has had 4 years to coordinate a 2nd Jan 6th. The last one was on a whim, this one will be calculated and coordinated…

      Do I move across the pond peacefully now? Or wait till I have to snuggle my family in secret.

    2. jacobean___ on

      It’s so frustrating watching the Dems just give the election to Trump. Another Trump term, if it happens, falls squarely on the shoulders of the party. They almost seem complicit.

      Trump is the weakest, most beatable Republican candidate in history. There should be zero threat of him winning the election, yet here we are.

    3. External-Patience751 on

      Biden Harris 2024! How are you going to help him win in Nov? That’s the only question that matters.

    4. Manda_lorian39 on

      This is the right way forward.

      Democrats need to play straight and be vocal about their desire for this insanity to end and rebuild a functioning, inclusive government. They need to be a voice of calm, inviting reason. They’re far more likely to attract the independents and moderate leaning republicans in the election with that approach than sprinting to the polar position.

      Think about it. Trump’s craziness is doing nothing to attract undecideds. If we take the polar position, we end up also not attracting them.

      This election still matters.

    5. DrSillyBitchez on

      We are so fucked dude. He’s gunna die on stage at the next debate and they’ll say “we need to support him”. Like nah you need to give it up and find a new candidate before you’re completely fucked. The democrats are so BAD at politics oh my god dude

    6. tallman11282 on

      I love Walz and am honored to call him my governor. He works for all Minnesotans. not just the corporations and the rich. He worked with the legislature to pass a lot of progressive legislation, including protecting access to abortion and making Minnesota a safe place for trans people. He’s a million times better than the governor of the state where I grew up (Rhonda Sandtits).

      Him supporting Biden proves to me even more that supporting Biden is the correct course of action.

    7. You cannot call yourself a patriot voting for a conman, pedo felon who created a high court majority that went against a core principle of our founding fathers for the sake of stalling and helping a fellow party member. That principle being “equal justice for all”.

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