That’s not how it works

    by PizzaMuse


    1. Bruceyboi422 on

      I’ve seen this post a few times. They are just trying to drive traffic to their IQ website through rage bait. Ignore and move on.

    2. peter-doubt on

      It’s exactly what Mama wanted.. now her kid is a *second generation dunce*

    3. It’s weird to think that the test results in itself is a test of the IQ of the reader… Hmm… or maybe It’s just straight up genius.

    4. aalborgamtstidende on

      Do people not realize this is clickbait? One day it’s a Muslim father; the next day it’s a plant-based mother. Enough already!

    5. An IQ score of 70–79 is considered very low on the standard breakdown for children’s IQ scores. The average IQ score is 100, and 68% of people score between 85 and 115. An IQ of 78 is well below average but slightly above “developmentally disabled”

    6. I love that it attempts to explain the results directly under the score, but none of them can read well enough for that part

    7. My dumb as took the test to only find out afterwards that the results cost 15$. So it’s for sure an intelligence test about sunk costs.

    8. ILikeToParty86 on

      People need to stop taking these stupid fucking tests and then posting them. Just be dumb in silence

    9. Poisoning-The-Well on

      It’s kind of a blessing to be so stupid that you don’t know how dumb you and yours are.

    10. No-Significance1488 on

      I love the dissonance between what she thinks “Your IQ is in the top 93%” means, and the statement right below it.

      “In a room of 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them.”

      I love how the poster didn’t read that part.

    11. often_awkward on

      This is painful to read. My kids are friends with kids that were homeschooled up the street until the pandemic hit and the mom was so disgusted with anti-vax logic that she pulled them out of homeschool and put them into public school. I’m not sure if those are the right verbs to use but meaning sticks. Those kids have matured and become such better people in just a couple years. I mean they weren’t bad kids before but you could tell they were homeschooled.

      I wonder if anybody told her that there’s literally a semantic explanation of the bell curve at the bottom.

    12. Justanormalguy1011 on

      Seem like her geniuses is transferred genetically![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)

    13. Old-Yogurtcloset-468 on

      They do realize that is 930 people she is dumber than right. 930 is much bigger than 70.

    14. Cmmander_WooHoo on

      How do people literally not understand the line at the bottom?! Out of 1000 people you’re smarter than 70. Howwwwww

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