[OC] New York Times Headlines About GOP Presidential Candidates

    by shinyro

    1 Comment

    1. I analyzed a year of NYT headlines and mentions of the above candidates. I used the NYT API, Python, and Datawrapper. It’s funny to me that as soon as the candidate suspended their campaign, they dropped out of the headlines almost instantly. Even the FL governor–not one to stay away from controversy–disappeared from the headlines when he quit the race. I have an interactive version at my free blog–no paywall or subscription needed, just click No Thanks if you want to view the chart(s): [https://shinycharts.substack.com/p/the-new-york-times](https://shinycharts.substack.com/p/the-new-york-times)

      The interactive version has a weekly cumulative sum so you can hover over any of the 52 weeks and see the numbers.

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