Trump’s response on releasing the Epstein file raises some questions

    by Human_Capital_Stock


    1. Own-Cupcake7586 on

      “I would release it. I’d redact my name of course, not that it’s in there. Certainly not a lot. And if it were in there it would be fake news, which it’s not, but if it were. Have I mentioned how hot my daughter is?”

    2. He’s in the released files. Calling Epstein repeatedly. Trump can say he was just calling him but he made it clear he said they weren’t friends after 2006 (iirc) when Epstein got charged the first time. Clearly lied about that at the very least. From the dropped court cases I think Trump was a client. We need a smoking gun or no one will ever believe it.

    3. futureformerteacher on

      The guy had Epstein murdered to prevent him from talking. Yeah, he’d totally release them. Uh huh.

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