History repeats itself; 2024 is the new 2016

    by Wizard_Writa_Obscura


    1. Anybody take a second look at Obama’s first debate against Romney? Utter disaster, everyone thought Romney destroyed him. It’s second term debate goo. Let’s see how the next one goes before we start finding a VP pick for Harris.

    2. TECL_Grimsdottir on

      The brain rot among people has been something to behold.

      The ones that are not brand new social media accounts that is.

      This will only get worse closer to the election.

    3. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Do you want a democracy? Or do want a project 2025 version of a dictatorship? That’s it, that all you have to ask yourself. It’s that simple.

    4. WellSpreadMustard on

      Falling for it? Jesus, the difference between Biden in 2016 and now is so remarkable, you are lying to yourself if you think there hasn’t been a tremendous amount of decline. Biden and the DNC are handing us over to the fucking fascists by not putting in a replacement. Every poll in the past two years that has included “generic democrat” vs Trump has had the generic democrat obliterating Trump and Biden either barely winning or losing. I’m voting for Biden, but unfortunately this election is going to be decided by the voters who were still undecided before that debate. This comparison between Clinton and Biden is so not even close.

    5. Texas_Sam2002 on

      Yeah, the mainstream media, the Post and Times particularly, are just fascinated with Dear Leader back in power. I hope that I get to see the looks on their faces as they’re led away to the camps.

    6. Giggle_kitty on

      This feels like Carter v Reagan II except the Republican is way worse this time.

    7. Really? You can’t unsee what happened on that debate stage. Joe Biden is an elderly man. You can try and deny all you want that he’s in decline, but you’re not only arguing against what everyone saw from him, but what they’ve seen from their own elderly relatives.

    8. Atheist_3739 on

      Okay but she didn’t drop out and she still unfortunately lost. I don’t see how this is a convincing argument for Biden to stay in the race. If these articles were out there and Hillary had won then sure

    9. lot of them are russian, iranian, and maga trolls spreading it. It should be sus when you see fox news agreeing that biden should dropout. that tells you everything you need to know, There was right wing podcasters days before the debate stating biden should drop out. It’s so obvious.

    10. hillary killed trump in the debates, we knew she could govern. we didnt like her, but we had confidence.

    11. and clinton lost… so, are we gonna repeat this again or get a better candidate

    12. I have pointed this out to dozens of people on here in the past couple days but they do not want to hear it. We are fucked.

    13. RandomUserName24680 on

      Considering all the “health scare” headlines from 8 years ago, it’s amazing to see Hillary not only still alive, but apparently doing great.

      /s just in case it’s needed

    14. OlympianDragon on

      Did yall not watch the debate? This is not the same! The only way its the same is that both then and now we could have a better candidate.

    15. Humble-Grapefruit-64 on

      It is not hard when we are force-fed propaganda and disinformation on an hourly basis via social media.

    16. Why is the media hellbent on getting Trump re-elected again? Is it because they made monster profits reporting on Trump’s gaffs on his previous term?

    17. AwkwardTickler on

      Wonder if the likelihood of a military coup comes into conversation to prevent a king dictator situation.

    18. celebrity_therapist on

       ‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’

      I agree that Trump is a threat. Biden is going to lose. Do you think his brain is going to suddenly be not 81? His one people admit he sun downs at 4 pm. He has to go. Now.

    19. Russian bots. Look how desperate they are now. Don’t be an idiot and believe this sh-t.

    20. Any-Variation4081 on

      Listen the choice is between Biden and Trump. No matter what your feelings are that’s the choice we face. So which are you going to choose? A man who is old or a different old man who is threatening democracy and our rights? There may not be another election if we allow king Trump to rule. So who are you going to choose? It doesn’t matter how upset you are that Biden is the democrats candidate he is going to be like it or not. Its time to decide if you are going to vote for democracy or against it. It’s that simple

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