The Heritage foundation is insane

    by CGP05


    1. The message is clear “We are seizing power for ourselves. Any resistance will be met with violence.”

      This is, without exaggeration, a fascist takeover of our country

    2. jp_benderschmidt on

      Sadly they’re not insane as in “fucking crazy”. They are clear headed about what kind of shitheels they are and they have no illusions about it.

      They are insane as in “sociopathic monsters”.

    3. dogfooddippingsauce on

      No, Kevin, we will not. And get out there on the front lines instead of invoking terror and letting others handle it. Jackass.

    4. ResponsibleMilk7620 on

      “We’re going to boot stomp all over your rights, and if you object, we’ll boot stomp all over you too if you let us.”

    5. Quirky_Advantage_470 on

      They are done with code words and phrases they are loud and proud but not like that. They do not care if we know what they are going to do if they win because they believe there is no possibility of losing.

    6. Previous_Beautiful27 on

      Imagine saying out loud that you are actively in revolution against your country’s government and that if you’re not allowed to do it you will become violent. And just like, facing zero consequences.

    7. PROblematic_Squid587 on

      The fucking audacity that they’re coming out and saying that they’re taking absolute power and daring us to do anything about it makes my blood boil. But if he thinks that we’re going to go down without a fight, then he’s got another thing coming. If we don’t win this on election day, then we’ll shed and lose as much blood as needed to protect our democracy.

    8. Depending on what ends up happening if anyone is in need of advise regarding migration to the Netherlands feel free to send a dm. I cant speak for other countries or people but least I can do is offer a path that isnt insanity.

      Wishing you well America

    9. OG-demosthenes on

      Anyone else says crap like this on their socials and the Secret Service and/or FBI shows up, why is this guy getting a free pass?

    10. QQBearsHijacker on

      I wish we could abolish all of these think tanks. All they do is come up with more ways to completely destroy this country’s principles

    11. Insane, but also much closer to real power than most people would like to believe. It’s not enough to vote for Biden, vote blue all the way down because we need to cut these people off at the roots they have spent the last 25 years nourishing

    12. “we won’t spill blood unless impeded”

      Classic right wing, blaming the resulting damage of their own actions on the left.

    13. I wish I could remember who said this on Reddit, but backstory for the movie, Civil War.

    14. Different-Damage-896 on

      Maybe someone with money should look into doing something about this guy. He’s such a dick, he’s legally required to be censored in Japanese porn.

    15. He is forgetting all us RINOs out here….. big mistake you treasonous son of a bitch.

    16. If I were to comment how I feel about shit like this, I’d get banned for inciting violence

    17. Kevin Roberts should be receiving a visit from the CIA. This is a threat against the US citizenship.

    18. How isn’t the FBI and Homeland Security on these fools yet? This is a fucking terrorist threat.

    19. Any-Variation4081 on

      Republicans = traitors to America

      Funny how 10 years ago they would HATE the people they have become and especially the man they worship. Bunch of “christians” worshipping a pedophile, lying, stealing, cheating, adulterous, criminal Donald Trump should tell us all we need to know about their “faith”

    20. padlepoplion on

      But they are only threatening it because they know drumpy can’t win, all those fake polls saying he’s close but they know the real facts that they have Fark all chance. These are cockroaches 🪳 that scurry away when the shoe comes down.

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