Really struggling to understand what they want me to do here.

    by curiousbuddha


    1. JamesPhilip on

      It’s clear that you have a subscription and that subscription will probably need to be renewed at some point. What isn’t clear is when it will need to be renewed. I’d say you should probably wait to renew, they would tell you if it was time to renew.

    2. Person012345 on

      What it’s saying is that your annual subscription has been renewed and no further action is rquired by you.

    3. YellowOnline on

      I know this 9ne. It’s rather cryptic but they wsnt you to renew your annual subscription

    4. Time4MeNow3733 on

      I’ve reread this so many times and the only part I can’t figure out is when the annual subscription needs renewing. In a few months I’m guessing?

    5. Total-Khaos on

      How does everyone commenting here lack reading comprehension skills?

      OP’s address has a subscription for recycling garden waste and it needs to be manually renewed. It costs 65.00 and comes with one bin to store the waste until they come around and pick it up per a defined schedule, similar to other garbage or recycling programs. Additional bins are 65.00. They provide a website for you to renew your subscription. If you don’t renew by July 28th of this year, they will terminate service and collect your bin(s).

      No offense everyone, but wtf….

    6. It’s the “if you’re happy and you know it” style of getting a message across

    7. I do not know… To me this screams of Scammers using AI to generate a False Invoice to trick people into paying for a “Service” that they probably do not really provide. /s

    8. dragonmax225 on

      Honestly as a autistic person with dyslexia I read this as £65 a bin meaning PER collection, and started doing the math in my head for how much that would have been a year…. (for me it’s collected weekly so… £65*50 (to account for the lost collection due to bank holidays) so £3,250.)

    9. We’ve been trying to reach you about your annual subscription, which is due to be renewed.

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