The last photo of Janis Joplin before she tragically passed away on October 3rd, 1970. The photo was taken within a day of her death.

    by Exotic_Abrocoma_4749


    1. TypicalCertainty on

      That photo captures such a poignant, tragically beautiful moment in time.

    2. Sort of unrelated but I once took mushrooms in the house where Jimi Hendrix died.

    3. The story goes that she bedded both Joe Namath and Dick Cavett, and she said that Cavett was better.

    4. SuperCaptSalty on

      I had always bought when I was a kid she died from drinking too much. When I found out it was a heroin overdose it made it that much worse

    5. crashedalien on

      I met the photographer that took this image. There is another image in the series that she is in a complete different state . Still in the face and deep in thought as if someone had just told her the most tragic thing she’s ever heard. He could not remember what one he had taken first.

    6. Janis Joplin. Heh, she was an uggo. – Bob Kelso

      In all seriousness she’s a staple in our household. Genuinely seemed like such a cool person.

    7. RepostSleuthBot on

      Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

      First Seen [Here]( on 2023-06-06 96.88% match.

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      **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 555,461,249 | **Search Time:** 0.35862s

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