Protest voting in a nutshell

    by ronytheronin


    1. These are the people saying biden should drop out or that they will now write in a vote.

    2. WaitingForNormal on

      This is exactly the kind of responses I get when talking with these, don’t give a shit about anything but themselves, motherfuckers. Cutting off their nose to spite their face. There’s a whole lotta, “I’ll show you who can be the stupidest.”

    3. NeighborhoodDude84 on

      I think we should keep insulting the people we need to vote for our guy in this election, that way we can blame them when they didn’t vote for my guy. I am very smart.

    4. 1randomusername2 on

      Dark Brandon should use his new immunity powers to make an executive order banning putting your dick in a power outlet. Surely at least one Trump voter would do it on TikTok to own the libs

    5. tarahunterdar on


      This could also be trump supporters. We show them the long list of crimes, lies, problems, actual things he said he would do, and they get mad and tell us they will vote for him even *harder*.

    6. Just skip the memes and say out loud you dont care about a genocide happening to brown people on the other side of the world, on your dime, as long as you don’t have to read mean tweets here at home.

    7. TreebeardsMustache on

      I am going to vote for Joe Biden, and only Joe Biden.

      If he drops out, I will write his name in.

      This is not a protest vote. I do not believe the simple-minded, magical, thinking that there exists a new Jesus who can swoop in and grab all the votes at this late hour. I’m not assured of a Biden win, but I’m certain that changing horses midstream is a guaranteed loss. The panic is worse than the supposed problem .

      And I am saying this publicly to refute the illogic that somehow new Jesus gets more votes. I’m saying, here and now, that he won’t get mine.

      I’m going to vote for the candidate I already decided to vote for, and who is doing a job I approve of

      I believe, also, that Democratic bedwetters, ambitious pols, trolls, and apparatchik toerags are driving this narrative. I am not persuaded that A) Biden did *THAT* bad, nor 2) that he’s unfit.

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