Nope, All Above The Law.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. CaoNiMaChonker on

      As president of his personal brand banging children is an official act

    2. TinyRascalSaurus on

      This shit show of an election is going to happen no matter what comes out or gets disproven. People have had their minds made up since 2020, and nothing short of a death is going to do any shaking up.

    3. henningknows on

      The NYTimes called for Biden to drop out because they said he is too risky a candidate to beat trump, who they think is a threat to democracy and world peace……please understand context and all the information about a subject before posting on a topic people. Just reading the headline doesn’t count

    4. Flipflops365 on

      Is there anything that actually validates this? I need the documents first before I start pushing back on all the MAGA in my life. So far I’ve only seen that some documents were released that make Epstein and the prosecutors look like pure evil, but nothing about clients. And please don’t point me to the 2016 trial request that was dropped. Because it was dropped, MAGA ignores it writ large. Even though it was dropped because the plaintiff feared for her life after receiving numerous threats.

    5. Trump only visited to use Epstein’s toilet, which you don’t have to flush 15 times, apparently.

    6. Vampir3Robot on

      Open up any news site today ant the front page is just articles calling for Biden to drop-out of the Race. What happened two days ago… hard to find anywhere. Apparently the President becoming king is not of any concern. You’re holding your breath if you think the billionaires owned news orgs care to put out bad Trump press when their tax breaks are on the line. Now is the time to put those flags upside down.

    7. Are you kidding, that makes him a hot stud. He also treats women like shit and that makes him a boss. Now, if he were to mumble, speak softly or revere his wife he needs to drop out for the good of the nation

    8. Anxious_Permission71 on

      Why would it matter if the NY Times says he should drop out? Why do we even care to speculate? What?

    9. HopefulNothing3560 on

      Mike Flynn says he ok with seconds the United States new vice president. Second in line to republican thrown

    10. therealtiddlydump on

      You guys do understand that the New York Times is asking Biden to step down because they think he might listen…

      They have made it very clear they don’t think Trump is fit for office (look at *gestures around*). If asking him to stop running would do anything, they’d try it.

      So stupid.

    11. darth_voidptr on

      The russian bots aren’t telling us this, and I get all my news from Yuri and Ivan.

    12. Tokidoki_Haru on

      The evangelicals treat him like the second coming of Christ.

      Being revealed to be a pedo will do nothing.

    13. Commercial_Fee2840 on

      I kind of figured this was coming after his comment last week about not being willing to release the Epstein files. I didn’t expect DeSantis to unseal it, though.

    14. Unfortunately it would not hold up, plus all the Supreme Court justices protecting Trump so this would never pass. It’s like loitering near the area of the crime, just because he was there for a massage doesn’t mean he diddled kids (even if everyone knows he did.)

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