Fucking psycho

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. Watchingquietly7707 on

      I mean the entire right is riddled with people who say things like “if there’s grass on the field play ball” and “age is nothing but a number” and even the oldie but goldie “tighter than a 12 year old” so maybe the groomer and pedo shit they throw at the gay community doesn’t carry any weight since they are all a bunch of fucking kiddy diddlers. I’m glad other people are finally waking up to this reality.

    2. blackforestham3789 on

      FUCKING RAPIST! I am 100% shoving this in every redneck I work with’s face. They have called LGBTQ people like me pedophiles for literally no reason just to be hateful. They are voting for an actual child rapist. They are voting for a person who forced himself sexually on multiple CHILDREN. They are gonna try and spin and call it lies. I don’t care. I want them to know that I know who they are. They can lie to themselves but they will not lie to me. They are voting for a CHILD RAPIST and that’s who they are as people. I will never let them forget for as long as I can.

    3. He also wants to fuck his daughter, he’s raped 2 women (that we know of for certain), he’s cheated, he hung out with Epstein, Melania is a mail order bride, he’s licking putin’s balls.. are we surprised he’s a pedo?!

    4. I mean he was lusting over his newborn daughter. Donnie has always been a sick fuck.

    5. I hate DJT.

      This case was bogus and the girl dropped charges.

      Try to see if she was compensated; but I think it’s a dead end.

    6. MisterProfGuy on

      You don’t understand; she reminded him of his daughter. The good one not the unfuckable one.

    7. Had a discussion with a magat today, he said this one “was hard for him to get over this one” … but still supports him fully … like fuck are you kidding me

    8. Actuallawyerguy2 on

      How did nobody know this???

      I’ve known about this since at least 2019, and posted it everywhere in response to the BiDeN sNiFfEd HiS gRaNdKiDs HaIr memes

      Like fuck it’s been public knowledge for a while

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