Janitor must love management for this one

    by 510kami


    1. It must be placed in the toilet very gently, never thrown in carelessly…


      But my hand is right there. Okay, I’ll abide. It’s your house after all.

    3. In Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and other SE Asian countries they have the “bum gun” next to the toilet. You know that thing you rinse dishes with at your kitchen sink? That’s the one. Only you spray your filthy arse rather than smear the Klingons across Uranus. Works wonders and it’s nice and cool, b/c in those countries it’s a bazillion degrees outside. You are supposed to rinse yourself so clean, there’s nothing for the TP to do but dry your little sphincter. Then they want the TP in the garbage can. Who knows why. But I did see a package of “recycled” TP at Trader Joes. Made me wonder …Hmmm.

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