2,000-Year-Old Human Torso Found in Bog

    by SuccessfulRegister25


    1. SuccessfulRegister25 on

      A 2,000-year-old human torso belonging to an Irish man was discovered in a bog in June 2003. The remains were naturally mummified and preserved so well that scientists were even able to determine his last meal after analyzing the contents of his stomach: wheat and buttermilk.

      For at least 4 months before his death, it was shown that he had a meat-rich diet. Based on the length of his arms, it was estimated that he was 1.98 meters (6 feet 6 inches) tall, which would have been extremely tall for that time period.

      The man also had well-groomed nails, which has led to speculation that he did not engage in manual labor and that he was someone of high status. His body is currently on display at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin.

    2. WizardofJoz17 on

      “Wow you’re so tall!! How far do you think you can walk out into that water?”

      *2000 years later*

    3. There’s a more complete bog body right bedside that one, national museum of Ireland, Dublin.

    4. PianoMan1925 on

      Do we think we can tell them to Rehydrate yet or with how things are currently going would we consider this a chaotic era?

    5. JimfromMayberry on

      I thought, at first glance, that this was someone’s creation on r/grilling

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