Give yer morals a tug bud

    by CosmoLamer


    1. Biden loses it, either his staff continues to run the country for him, or he gets 25thed out and Harris takes over.

      I’ll take both those choices over the alternative.

    2. i’ll vote “Not Trump” no matter what, but it would be nice to not be forced to vote for a barely sentient corpse

    3. Mean-Contact-6171 on

      I’m just trying to understand why people would vote for the tan Jesus. I don’t fuckin get it…

    4. TheCitizen616 on

      (Full disclosure: I’m Canadian so take that for what it’s worth but…)

      Somone needs to sit Biden down and make him watch season 3 of Shoresy.

      Because just like in hockey, you need a a **”Go ’til you can’t go no more”** attitude to win in politics. But there *will* be a time when your body will start to fail you and you may have to say the three worst words in the English language:

      **”I can’t go”.**

      I respect Biden but the debate was that moment for him. Everyone watching saw it. He has had an incredible political career up to now but he needs to step aside sooner than later for someone (yes, Harris, probably) who still has a fighting chance at beating Trump.

      (Fuck, I hate this…)

    5. _-Tabula_Rasa-_ on

      It never has been. They still voted for Roy Moore and it wasn’t liberals defending the Catholic Church..

    6. PermissionLittle3566 on

      You can show republicans irrefutable proof that trump raped their mother or their daughters, they’d have it on video, their wives and daughters will tell them it did happen, and they will still pridefully bemoan “FAKE NEWS” and donate another set of diapers to dear leader. No amount or even scale of negative news will sway mags freaks. Cognitive dissonance will never allow it, otherwise they would have to come to terms that they supported and donated to a pedophile rapist freak, and no way in hell will they ever admit to that.

    7. Oldskoolguitar on

      It was never about the children.

      Fuck if it was. Schools and after school programs would be better funded.

      Fuckin no way.itnwas ever bout the children I’ll tell ya that much.

    8. There’s no evidence this is true.

      What is factual though is that Joe Biden’s own daughter admitted that he took inappropriate showers with her that likely led to her to substance abuse and sex addictions.

    9. coolbaby1978 on

      This is like when Roy Moore ran for senate in Alabama and many voters were like “Sure he’s a pedophile but at least he ain’t no Democrat!” Literally being a Democrat was worse to them than being a pedophile.

      In addition to being a rapist, felon, fraud and traitor, Trump IS a pedophile. When you engage in sexual acts either 12 year girls, you ARE a pedophile. Hes absolutely right. There is a 2 tiered justice system. There’s him and everyone else because no one who has pulled the amount of shit he has wouldn’t be in prison right now.

    10. It is their understanding that those allegations against Trump are false and are a product of a smear campaign orchestrated by Democrats. They further believe that Biden and every other high ranking Democrat politician is a Satanist who rapes and kills babies. They live in isolation from reality.

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