How many of you went to a video game store in the 1980’s and these were your choices??

    by jasonvoorhees2582


    1. ksilenced-kid on

      Not me- by the time I took interest in 1989 or so, I knew about Atari but it felt about as ancient to me then as it does now.

      By then the NES was the -only- real choice, the Genesis looked promising, and the Turbografx 16 seemed like an urban legend.

      I first heard about Intellivision and Colecovision (and Sega Master System) in the late 90s, when I started checking such things on the internet. That interest in ‘history’ did lead me to grabbing a 2600 and a dozen games at that point, a bit prior to ‘retro gaming’ being a popular thing.

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