What a good use of taxpayer dollars/s

    by bads0n123


    1. RainStraight on

      “$122 isn’t $0 so that’s perjury. Checkmate liberals.” ☝️🤓

    2. And yet they’ll take his second answer and yell FAUCI ADMITS HE PROFITED OFF COVID!

    3. ChokeMcNugget on

      “So you’ve been planning covid-19 for 27 years?”
      -Empty G probably

    4. Striking_Zombie_8640 on

      These Republicans sure know how to waste time & tax payer money.

    5. I really wish they just brought in a monitor that added up the per hour cost of everyone in the room and just kept it running throughout hearings. It would help convey how stupid some of them are.

    6. You can’t believe people do things because they have integrity or are interested in helping others when your entire party and way of life is built on doing the exact opposite.

    7. Historical-Ad3760 on

      It’s almost like she’s shocked that someone wouldn’t steal money or be a corrupted asshole! Ladies and gents, your Republican Party of law and order and such!

    8. They just keep making bigger fools out of themselves. No interest in governing. It’s going to get worse after the next election.

    9. Republicans can’t comprehend that someone wouldn’t grift people or be corrupt. They know that they, and everyone in the Republican Party, would definitely try get as much money for themselves as possible however they can.

    10. LaserGadgets on

      Imagine how that feels…you wanna save people and get….this…in return. What a fucked up country. Land of the free.

    11. No-Significance1488 on

      I wonder how much this brief interaction cost the taxpayers to find out he made $122 in royalties.

    12. parakathepyro on

      They say Big Pharma like they’re going to do anything about Big Pharma other than let it continue

    13. They should do this with justice Thomas, I think that it’ll be a bit more than $122

    14. Number 1.
      Big pharma isn’t a thing So I mean they should ask about specific real companies. The answer to that term is always zero

      Number 2. Making public health workers villains is why I left a 17 year career in public employment. I can’t believe this man dedicated his life to this work and morons throw stones at him all day every day like he is lex fucking Luther

    15. is anyone else bewildered that the republicans have officially investigated the entire democrat party and everyone affiliated with that party and the worst the could find is that hunter lied on paper work?

      like american politics is well known for being a corrupt cesspool *ahem, supreme court* but apparently the democrats are fine?

    16. Any_Inflation7078 on

      How much did Trump fam make off letting covid run rampant then all the ppe scams??

    17. You can tell they were never lawyers. You NEVER ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to. That way, you don’t look like a dimwit in front of all of the US

    18. They know what they’re doing is a load of shit. If they had evidence, they’d bring receipts.

      But they also know that if they create the appearance of impropriety, their audience will eat it up. No evidence is necessary.

    19. Don’t believe in heaven and hell, but if there’s a bad place I hope all the idiots attacking Fauci end up there.

    20. BelovedOmegaMan on

      One of the worst parts is, they *know* the answers to the questions they’re asking. They know Fauci didn’t receive one red cent beyond his normal salary for anything. What they HOPE is that he’ll give some explanation that they can use as a sound bite or an out of context quote to run for re-election on. “See? I sure stuck it to Fauci! Vote for me!”

    21. alienlovesong on

      I really wish Republicans would just do their fucking jobs and address actual serious issues. But no. They’re just spending taxpayers dollars on mean-spirited bullshit.

    22. Isn’t it amazing how they suddenly care about the ludicrous corruption in big pharma 🙄

    23. Chaosrealm69 on

      I love how MAGA Republicans set up this big ‘Gotcha’ moment and then Dr Fauci simply says ‘I got nothing from all those millions given to the NIH and all I really got was a measly $122 for something I created 27 years ago.’ and the Republicans are left looking even more stupid than they sounded.

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