The media is absolutely failing this moment.

    by CarryIcy250


    1. CerberusDoctrine on

      The media has always and will always fail to handle Trump and all right wing grifters appropriately. But also it feels like at this point if you don’t understand that Trump is a sick evil freak I don’t know what hope there is for you understanding that fact until his brown shirts break down your door

    2. WaitingForNormal on

      And it’s as if trump did well in the debate, not one bad thing to say. Fuck the media.


      > On the third occasion involving the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump. After this sex act, both minors were forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing their mouths simultaneously on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm. After zipping up his pants, Defendant Trump physically pushed both
      minors away while angrily berating them for the “poor” quality of their sexual performance.

      > On the fourth and final sexual encounter with the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff. Katie Johnson, was tied to a bed by Defendant Trump who then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff Johnson. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff Johnson loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to “please wear a condom”. Defendant Trump responded by violently striking Plaintiff Johnson in the face with his open hand and screaming that “he would do whatever he wanted” as he refused to wear protection. After achieving sexual orgasm, the Defendant, Donald J. Trump put his suit back on and when the Plaintiff. Katie Johnson, in tears asked Defendant Trump what would happen if he had impregnated her, Defendant Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money “to get a fucking abortion”.

    4. Red_not_Read on

      Jokes on them… When Project 2025 takes hold, they’ll all be unemployed or in prison.

      Authoritarianism is no place for a free media. “But we helped!” ain’t going to cut it.

    5. Consistent-Leek4986 on

      corporate/billionaire ownership of the media should be outlawed. the founding fathers understood the importance of a
      fair & impartial “press”. I believe we mainly had that before the 1996 merger of the twisted Murdoch & Ailes hateful fear mongering

    6. joeygreco1985 on

      During the debate Trump said the Democrats are actively murdering babies. Cut to the CNN panel where they are all worried that Biden is too old.

    7. They’re only failing if this is not what they intended. The media -right, left, and center- immediately legitimized his candidacy and have been thumbing the scales in Trump’s favour since at least 2021. Why? Because it’s an industry which is literally dying on its feet, and the Trump years were an unexpected gold rush. They’re all doing whatever it takes to replicate that time again.

    8. WhatsRatingsPrecious on

      It’s deliberate. The media is owned by the rich and the rich want Trump to win.

    9. The media needs Trump to draw eyeballs, they got 5 years of people starring in horror everyday. Biden is an effective leader who doesn’t draw attention daily. There’s nothing for them to feed on. Trump gives them a daily scandal. They want him in power. Until he starts executing them, but they’re not willing to imagine the leopard eating thier face.

    10. Zealousideal-Ad3814 on

      CNN, NYT wtf they are so damn focused on a mumbled debate than literal calls for violence and confirmation that Trump is a literal child rapist….

    11. CaniacPepsiholic on

      Well, the debate was televised, we were able to first hand witness it. What Donald Trump may or may not have done, we weren’t there for that, so we would know quite a bit less about it than a debate that again, was televised.

    12. Ladies. Gentlemen.

      The news companies are owned by the wealthy, which are among the ruling class. Why would they contribute to their own downfall? The rich pick and choose which news you get to hear.

    13. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Hey look how much money we made in 2016, and we’re still here! Let’s double down!

    14. Personal opinion. I don’t care about Trump and his shit that we all know. The media doesn’t need to cover it because the people who need to hear it won’t ever tune in or will either deflect or ignore it. They are equivalent of flat earthers, nothing you say to them will stick nor will you get them to listen/hear.

      So blasting Biden is fine with me because I don’t want Biden as president. I’ll vote for him if I absolutely have too but it’s not because I think he’s good for the job or I’m inspired to believe in him. It’s purely that he’s not Trump.

      Shit you could just replace Biden with a turtle and I’d vote for the turtle.

      Say yeah im okay with blasting him because the DNC has showed us that it just doesn’t have or want to nominate anyone that actually both represent the current working body, and actually gives us hope for a better future.

      Instead we are basically voting a dude in who looks to be in worst shape than Carter..

    15. butterballbuns on

      But you don’t understand! The media is blasting Biden to resign because he might lose, they aren’t trying to get Shitler elected because they are own by right wing billionaires, they just care too much for democracy!! That’s why Biden must resign to defeat the evil as the media says we should! /s

    16. LikeAMarionette on

      I’ve been saying since 2020 that Trump could fuck a kid on live tv and his supporters wouldn’t care.

      This finally confirms that statement

    17. The media wants Trump because he is the king of clickbait. This drives up their revenue. They worship capital. Biden is boring. Capitalism will win in a fight between it and democracy.

    18. This, right here, is why I listen to and read everything with a grain or ten of salt. The media cannot be relied upon to give the American people the truth. Trump is like an elixir to them.

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