The double standard continues!

    by BestStoogewasLarry


    1. Ok-Star-6787 on

      jet lag 2 weeks ago. He was prepping at camp David for about 14 days. The Trump trial thing is easy to explain. Multiple days in court are boring as hell.

    2. Chumlee1917 on

      No no see if Joe Biden can’t juggle flaming chainsaws while riding a unicycle in a Darth Vader Helmet on water, he must step down.-CNN

    3. the last bit of out of local time zone travel biden did was 12 days before the debate

    4. KarlHungus311 on

      Also, just a reminder that the fulvous fascist is only 3.5 years younger than “ancient” Joe.

    5. IzzaPizza22 on

      That is a good point. One of these men is doing president stuff all day. The other one never did and certainly didn’t start after he lost the job.

    6. benndover_85 on

      Trump is a sociopathic, narcissistic, rapist conman that can barely string five words together to form a sentence, but apparently that doesn’t matter because Biden is old…

      America is a shithole, and it’s filled to the brim with shitty people. Whatever happens from here they fully deserve.

    7. NotThatAngel on

      People expect a lot from Biden, and should. He’s a career civil servant with a great record of serving the people.

      People ‘know’ Trump is a violent sexual predator who rapes children and only cares about getting more power and money for himself. Also, they ‘believe’ he’s a reformer who will sweep away the Dark State and help white males retake their rightful place at the top of the hierarchy. So, yeah, MAGA is just awful, but awful is apparently normalized because there’s tens of millions of them.

    8. blackteashirt on

      This post read like a Republican/Russian disinformation to stop the Democrats from selecting a viable candidate i.e. one that can finish a sentence. Lol Biden hardline supporters completely neglect the fact that Trump was also on the stage that night and for all accounts fricken nailed it.

    9. Some_Random_Android on

      Dang! Forgot about the possible jet lang for Biden, and Trump sleeping in his own trial! I was still planning on voting Biden this November, but yeah, this needs more attention!

    10. I’m gonna preface this with I’m voting for Biden, but I can still want better. Just because I don’t want to settle for a man who should be enjoying his retirement doesn’t make me a bad person. I obviously don’t want Trump but I don’t want Biden either.

    11. 1-1111-1110-1111 on

      Don’t forget the current court docs that say he had sex with minors…

    12. Brasilionaire on

      Lifelong democrat, liberal, and my god the gaslighting about Biden and his state is infuriating.

      The man is not well. He’s not our best bet to beat Trump.

      1-He had a week from his last engagement solely dedicated to rest and prep for the debate.

      2- That wasn’t the performance of a sharp albeit stuttering and/or tired elderly man. That was senility. Baffling, worrying senility. That’s who he is unscripted and outside a narrow window of the day now.

      3- The fact it’s this close when running against Trump is abysmal in itself. Look at the orange fucker, who he is, our history with him. How in the world can you not be wiping the floor with him?

      ###For the love of god, we’re not trapped with Biden. I beg all of us to not be so afraid of the unknown that’ll we’ll march forward with the worst *candidate* (albeit great president) in recent history.

    13. DaddyChiiill on

      Can the Maga just be tagged as domestic terrorist? Genuinely asking.

      Since JB has some good sht immunity anyway..

    14. cool_as_honkey on

      Crazy that US Media and voters have normalized Trump’s lies. He could say anything and no one cares. Just Trump being Trump. He should be fact checked 24 hours till November. Every news clip what I have seen in media with Trump goes like this: Trump speaks nonsense and is full of shit and media let him speak freely. When he stops and media tries to ask questions, Trump leaves. Like his hush money trial. Media let him speak always after the day and aired his lies without filter. Ridiculous.

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