Smoking gun…

    by Rave4life79


    1. RoutineAd7381 on

      We care, but thanks to SCOTUS and a half dozen delays to justice, unless Trump loses the election in November… no justice will be served.

    2. Yo. We knew from the beginning he was going to be in the files. 50% of the country isn’t stupid

    3. Thank your president and his party for making a mess big enough to take away our chance to use this against Trump.

    4. PoopMousePoopMan on

      Clear as in certain? Evidence? If so please provide because I’d love to ruin my dads day

    5. As if there’s any doubt the fat prick isn’t a paedo, what other reason was he there name 1 legitimate reason

    6. “Pedophile” and “groomer” are linked to people who are trans, gay, or believe in Disney, apparently. Trump is none of those, so maybe they’re going to drop its usage.

      Or maybe they secretly want to embrace it, I don’t know. The world has gotten so screwed up.

    7. Ok_Season5846 on

      Aren’t they holding on to apart of it for some random ass reason?

    8. The media and MAGA don’t care. If the media ran stories on this, like they do about Biden’s debate performance, then Trump would be toast.

    9. BriefCheetah4136 on

      Trump has Immunity, he knew way back then that he was going to be president so he had Pre-Presidential Immunity. Just ask him and ask the Supreme Court. Betcha I am right! /S

    10. Happy-Initiative-838 on

      Yeah but Biden mumbles so that’s clearly worse than Trump raping children

    11. nonetakenback on

      Everyone still wants them released, but the problem is we’re a 15 sec attention span population now. So if it isn’t given immediately when it’s popular, everyone has already moved on to the next new shiny thing like Biden being clearly too old to be president.

    12. LaserGadgets on

      OH OH OH…I know why!

      Biden is old!!! You fucking morons. Even on german TV its all about “yeah ok that was bad joe” FUCK you. You wanna tell me the old guy looks bad next to a clown, rapist, liar, fraud, cheater??? I just wanna blast RATM all day long and I am not even a fucking american ><

    13. RegularAvailable4713 on

      Everything is always “clear”. The name on the files means nothing. With all of Epstien’s contacts, anyone can end up just by being mentioned, or spoken to, or participating in his other very normal events.

      For example Stephen Hawking is on the files, having been a famous scientist. I don’t support Trump, but simply being on the files proves nothing.

    14. So why doesn’t Biden release it? Wouldn’t that help him win the presidency?

    15. Does anyone have a for dummy’s version of what exactly the docs reveled, i googled it but no reputable sources popped up

    16. minedsquirrel70 on

      Most politicians are bad people. Surprising I know. We have choices, all of them are bad.

    17. Oh we just calling random people pedos now? Trump has never been convicted of rape or pedophilia.

    18. Remember when that guy shot up a pizza joint because he thought hillary was running a pedophile ring in the basement but turned out the pizza place didn’t even have a basement but now theres real proof of a pedophile ring and human trafficking and it’s super quiet.. I guess if there was real substantial proof wouldn’t they be going after trump for it rather than some hush money? I mean, it’s easy to draw conclusions based on what has been released but that doesn’t qualify as evidence right? Like, what do they need to prosecute something like that?

    19. He bragged openly on Howard Stern’s show that he would deliberately walk in on naked teenagers in the changing room because he could get away with it. And it didn’t phase his supporters at all.

    20. I think they know. I also think they now know it doesn’t matter. Not for Donald the Orange.

      Nothing will happen from this. No loss of support, no charges, no investigation… Nothing.

    21. “It’s clear”.

      Why do you guys constantly keep making shit up then believing it as 100% fact?

    22. Professional-News-33 on

      Pretty plain to see This sub is all about trump hating weather there facts or not

    23. Let’s be honest, Trump could be on live TV saying he wants to bang a baby and his followers would still vote for him. Logic or morals do not work anymore with them

      By the way he’s far from the only politician or country where it’s like that, which is the worst part

    24. Antifreak1999 on

      Most people do care, it’s just that we’ve been shown the people have 0 power. Look at the sweeping changes taking place in the US. We the people didn’t vote on most of those changes. Both the right and the left have been lead to believe that the opposition party is protecting its own. I haven’t seen one motion by either house to investigate and remove any long term Washington politians. They know if Trump goes down for being on the list, Bill Clinton may be next and then how many more.

    25. For the love, no one cared when Clinton showed up on the list 50 times. There are names on the list that probably didn’t do anything illegal or know what was there, but that’s just select few and we don’t know which few. Biden can also release the files. It doesn’t matter. The system for corruption within the elite still exists and is fully operational. It still doesn’t matter if all of Epsteins docs weren’t released besides a select few people, and then it would be realized Epstein was an Israeli agent. Ties throughout Europe and with the I.S. Government.

    26. StrandedinTimeFall on

      Trump could piss on Ronald Reagan’s grave and they would all cheer him on. They would make up some twisted logic to reconcile it. That he was making a commentary on how he had surpassed Reagan, but wasn’t trashing Reagan. Or how Reagan would have been proud of his boldness. Or how Reagan loved golden showers from powerful man.

      That’s right Reagan was gay, but only for Trump.

    27. Strict-Childhood-629 on

      That’s it. I’m running for presidency instead. On the platform of ANYONE ELSE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY PLEASE!! SOMEONE ELSE!!!

      Please vote for me. I’ll make Taco Tuesday a national holiday.

    28. The “smoking gun” is a rando on Twitter?

      Look I hate Trump as much as the next person (and have been calling him a presumed pedo for years) but I haven’t seen or heard anything that definitively proves he is a pedo.

    29. I dont think it’s clear, but I do think it’s funny how the standard changed in people’s minds for Trump vs. Clinton. Clinton’s name appears, and it’s “proof,” everyone’s an idiot for not believing it. Trump appears, and the very same people are mentioning how it’s not actual evidence of anything.

      Well, duh. We can point out this hypocrisy without resorting to their level of embellishment.

    30. Obi_wan_pleb on

      The NY times and CNN are about to ask for him to step down. Any minute now…

    31. idwtumrnitwai on

      This was a known thing before it released, trump was a co-defendant with epstein where the victim was a 13 year old girl they raped.

    32. Yoongi_SB_Shop on

      Do you remember when we used to expect our presidents to be men of good moral character? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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