We all do it, don’t lie

    by Joessmoey


    1. IudexGundyr3 on

      If you want me to watch and remember the ad, do it in your own style with humor or something rather than reading a script.

    2. dr4gonr1der on

      I just press & hold the spacebar. It’s a trick I learned to make the video go at twice the normal speed

    3. 13-Dancing-Shadows on

      Unless they’re actually interesting, which doesn’t happen often.

      Miniminuteman (Milo Rossi’s) are pretty fun usually.

    4. Yes also since YouTube added chapter segments for videos, when a youtuber starts their ad segment I can just scroll right past to when they pick the video back up.

    5. STFU don’t give them any ideas! If they figure out a way to temporarily disable the 10s fast forward during video playback thanks to this post, Imma send you a nasty DM, hear me Joe!?

    6. kirkpomidor on

      Alt+right arrow to skip an ad section.

      If there are no sections, click “the most viewed” part of a video, which is the timing right after the ad 99.9% of the time

    7. You know there are extensions? They’re awesome.
      “YouTube ad Skip” or something similar.

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