
    by yeassy_1


    1. As one of my Russian friends explained to me –

      Owner of one country spoke to owner of another country. It’s their private business, we should not be nosy.

    2. Sosemikreativ on

      I guess that’s something that always happened. I remember Trump having a conversation with Putin where not even the translators were allowed. Other presidents did that too I assume. The only difference is what Trumps opinion probably was. While every other president would have insisted on Putin distancing from this plan because of international crisis and zones of interest and yada yada yada Trump most likely tried to make a deal where he would allow it in return for a favorable building ground in St. Petersburg for a new Trump hotel or something.

    3. givin_u_the_high_hat on

      That’s for the Biden administration to look into. That’s potentially a breach of the Logan Act I think. Seems like Trump is handing Biden an easy lay up, but it seems like Biden is unwilling to take the shot.

    4. soggy_nlpples on

      This isn’t crazy news. Powerful people talk to other powerful people. Plus it’s Trump so it’s probably a lie anyways

    5. Cultural-Group-3754 on

      Trump’s next reality show: Conversations with Dictators. Coming soon to a news cycle near you!

    6. BlargerJarger on

      Putin has already taken Crimea at this point. It was no secret that Putin wanted to invade Ukraine, he’d already done a lil invadin, and constantly talked about how, “like, technically, it should belong to me anyway”

    7. DDBvagabond on

      Nope. There’s white swan playing. Just as after October 4 1993. When tanks shoot at the White house of a former nuclear superpower, you know it’s a small news. And when the hundreds perish during that little news.

    8. Standard_Feedback_86 on

      No no, lets discuss more about…oh right…”Biden looks tired”.

    9. The other side doesnt care. SC just gave him immunity. Nothing matters anymore when it comes to that.

    10. HotSprinkles4 on

      No one cares on Reddit people will just make jokes about it and not take this shit seriously. America is fucked. By the end of this year our world will be rocked.

    11. Elegant-Raise-9367 on

      Rotflmao, I made this up in an argument with a Trump supporter because it sounded plausible…. cheers for the link.

    12. Dry-Neck9762 on

      And wtf is a Russian embassy aircraft doing parked right next to Trump’s, at Washington Dulles airport?

      I bet I know! Transferring more of those banker boxes full of our national security and top secrets!

      The really messed up part is, Donald Dump actually thinks Putin and he are pals. they’re not! Putin is playing Dumpy like a fiddler at a square dance!

    13. MSM owned by multinational corporations profiting from lower taxes and fewer health/safety or environmental standards under GOP:

      “Did you know Biden is really, reaaaaaaly OLD? (please ignore trump is 3 years younger and verbally hasn’t completed a coherent sentance since before he started running against HIllary)

    14. Like most of what he says, I think he just made this up on the spot. Could be wrong, but I think he’s an unwitting pawn of Putin, rather than a paid stooge.

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