Once a man in New Jersey was charged $3,750 for a bottle of wine, after the waitress told him it was “thirty-seven fifty”

    by Gonzalez220wj


    1. Thirty seven hundred and fifty dollars.

      That’s how you say it. If the waitress said “thirty seven fifty” then she misspoke and fucked up.

      But this is the US, customers are to be fucked with lol

    2. Ultima_STREAMS on

      The lochness monster strikes again!


    3. Okay, so she lied then. Why should he pay the full amount when she told him it’s only $37.50? Sounds like a shit story.

    4. Nope call the cops the entire table heard the waitress say 37.50. Up to the restaurant to eat the cost and fix the mistake. I don’t care If I go to jail I’ll come back and sue the hell outta the restaurant cause Delivior be getting paid for all this nonsense!

    5. Man, im such a dork for trying new wines and i live in NJ, i could definitely be that guy. In fact, i feel like it would happen to me specifically in Long Branch with those boujee ass restaurants near the beach.

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