This microwave oven safety sheet someone put up in my office break room.

    by Heynow85


    1. There is nothing there about not incinerating bags of popcorn – a serious offense on most offices.

    2. Bongman1989 on

      Well you’ll get what you deserve ..

      I am working in a big company and I am there in the volunteer fire department. The biggest alerts we had so far was always because of our microwaves.
      People put stuff in it and set the timer to max. Then they moved away….

    3. thedude_inasia on

      Well, I guess you won’t be microwaving your smaller microwave today.

    4. nutznboltsguy on

      If employees could complete their TPS reports before using the microwave, that‘d be great.

    5. DifficultCurrent7 on

      Not sure if someone is having a power trip, or if someone did something really *really* stupid with the microwave..

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