I’m Guessing This Will Be Added To Project 2025

    by Bertiers_Moma


    1. The correct answer is to not seat the judgmental Xtians that will then stiff thier server of a tip.

    2. Now *not attending church* is a sin? Was going to church the eleventh commandment? I must have missed that one.

    3. CraziedHair on

      This isn’t humor this is someone being serious, it shouldn’t be funny to anyone, it’s sad LOL

    4. omghorussaveusall on

      At this point I’m pretty sure Jesus came back and noped the fuck out and all the born agains are going to die and go to hell.

    5. Santos_L_Halper_II on

      90% of religion’s appeal is giving shitty people a reason to feel superior to strangers.

    6. LakesideNorth on

      Ask anyone who waits tables – the after church crowd are the absolute worst customers to deal with. Easily.

    7. VolcanicGreen on

      It will forever be a power issue. Religions want power same as any capitalist or monarchist . It’s always power.

    8. urbanek2525 on

      Remember the sabbath and keeps it Holy.

      You shouldn’t be asking others to labor on the sabbath day. You just sinned.

      Repent and sin no more.

    9. I mean…this person isn’t wrong. It would push people towards the truth, just not the truth they are thinking.

    10. Some_Random_Android on

      Maybe if the GOP didn’t have a presidential nominee who is literally a rapist that constantly lies and steals that would (as they put it) “push some people towards the truth!” But hey, that’s just me. Show me where in the Bible Jesus talked about feeding the hungry and loving your neighbor.

    11. bayhorsetimetraveler on

      Nothing better than getting out of church and then verbally berating a 17 year old busboy. Personally why my bar is closed on Sunday

    12. captainedwinkrieger on

      I’m pretty sure there are plenty of Christians with tattoos and earrings who are way more Christian than this human tonsil stone.

    13. JoeyCaesarSalad on

      Going to open a restaurant where only people with tattoos and/or piercings can eat at

    14. abomasolsnow998 on

      Is it possible to punch someone through the internet yet? Asking for a friend.

    15. n3rvaluthluri3n on

      Republicans and conservatives are trying real hard to make Gilead a reality.

    16. Orrrr… Now just hear me out…

      Your church could host after service meals for the attendees and the local community and literally SERVE PEOPLE.

      Just a bunch of happy church goers showing love and respect to others in the community- not preaching or judging, just having a good time ‘lining the Gospel’ for others to see.

      Which church would grow the most? The one reaching out to the community, or the one hogging tables, being rude to wait staff, and typing with tracts?

    17. UnclearObjective on

      Most Christians have no fucking clue who Jesus was or what he was about.

    18. keirmeister on

      Matthew 6:5-6

      “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

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