Men refused to cooperate and police released them.”O Canada”

    by Dreamer4779


    1. What a racist take that doesn’t account for their cultural background.

      Be more accepting of others

    2. -Hi_how_r_u_xd- on

      I hate when things like this happen, i mean they are literally not affecting you at all. Just mind your own business and curse them under your breath if you really feel that inclined to do so, but actually going out of your way to do something like this is just ridiculous.

    3. burtonboy1234 on

      for some reason I have a feeling these “men” are also gay and need to act out their pent up anger because they can’t come out themselves

    4. SpiritualAd8998 on

      These “men” need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Felony assault, hate crime, etc. if non-citizens then is deportation an option?

    5. ApprehensivePen3214 on

      Well if that’s not a propaganda fueled headline, I don’t know what is. 

    6. RareCryptographer662 on

      Again with the “men”. These are not men! They’re not even boys.

      “Man/men” is a title that’s earned not just handed out because a male is “grown”. You’re a man because you take care of things. Because you’re respectful and have earned respect. I say we revert to eye for an eye justice. Or public stonings where you pay $2/stone and victims throw for free.

      Fuck this world!

    7. MegaLemonCola on

      Getting arrested?

      Just say no!

      You cannot legally be arrested without your consent.

    8. August-Autumn on

      We all know who those attakers were. Deport em back home where they blong, as they are incapeable to act like normal human beings.

    9. I mean ya, police siding with bigots isn’t exactly a new thing.

      Oh wait shit was that not the takeaway I was supposed to have?

    10. VrabeEureka on

      We as South East Asian Muslims are sincerely looking at EU and US and wondering why the fuck would you take in those animals who dont even try to act civilized

    11. LongjumpingAdvisor86 on

      good morning canada, you got islam. say goodbye to western values.

    12. I highly advise anybody who is even remotely LGBT+ to get a weapon (even if it’s pepper spray or a pocket knife) & anyone who tries that shit on you, gut their mf ass like a fish.
      Cuz at the end of the day, that’s the only thing these fanatics understand is raw power and who is the more violent one.
      I guarantee you that once they see that you ain’t one to mess with, they will run for the hills like a little scared ass punks.

    13. That’s some fine police work officers…now I know where all those fired Uvalde cops were sent to.

      (I kid, almost none of the 400 Uvalde officers at the scene were fired…)

    14. This article and others like it were scrubbed off of some Canada themed subs today and those who dared comment got banned.

    15. avillageofbigheads on

      As an immigrant in a foreign country, it absolutely infuriates me seeing Neanderthals like this. Why don’t they just go back to where they came from if they enjoyed the rules back home.

    16. Giannis1982 on

      *But it is their culture,their values.Why don’t you people just respect that?* /s

    17. oldwellprophecy on

      Methinks you have an ulterior motive with this post.

      Your last ever comment in your history 252 days ago is:

      “Islam has won UK and europe. These countries will welcome the thousands and thousands of uneducated bigoted men with open arm, but are applying more and more pressure and difficulties to highly educated people who are legally applying for visa.”

      It’s horrible what happened to those women but it’s been over a year of you posting anything at all? And with that comment? Yikes.

      You don’t care what happened to those women. You’re just an opportunistic bigot.

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