Listen to the head of the heritage foundation’s himself. Sure feels like a threat

    by Justdoingthebestican


    1. ToraToraTora1942 on

      Make no mistake, Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 want to return our democracy to the Stone Age. If they can, we will return to a time before Civil Rights and women’s right to vote. Republicans want to control women and minorities, and a Trump victory would give them the platform for draconian changes. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    2. IamHydrogenMike on

      So, they are threatening a bloody coup? Doesn’t that make them a terrorist organization?

    3. pwningrampage on

      It all makes sense that the heritage foundation wants to start a bloody war, trump somehow wins the 2024 election and invokes the insurrection act and declares martial law.

    4. TheAngryShoop on

      I reckon I should watch the first 2 seasons of handmaid’s tale again to remind myself of a dystopian future that is more likely by the day

    5. Klutzy-Ad-6705 on

      I take that to mean “Don’t fight it if you know what’s good for you.” This is an evil prick.

    6. Shortleader01 on

      Okay so there’s thinly veiled threats, and then there’s this. This is a threat veiled by the verbal equivalent of extremely cheap toilet paper.

    7. DilithiumCrystalMeth on

      I mean, it IS a conspiracy by definition. It’s just a real one, but since it doesn’t involve lizard people or drinking the blood of children the normal conspiracy crowd won’t pay attention to it.

    8. And the first thing they will do is round up all the guns from anyone that’s not a card-carrying MAGAt. They won’t want any of those pesky “lefties” going all 2A on the new regime.

    9. Fifth_Wall0666 on

      Meanwhile, right-wing extremism resulted in bloodshed and attempted murder of his own vice president at the direction and organisation of Donald Trump on January 6th, 2021.

    10. Please understand that anyone that does not agree with their ideology is a leftist. They are coming for everyone. Please visit []( for excerpt quotes directly from their manifesto. They are planning to gut the government from the top down. Only the chosen ones will have power. They are planning on there being violence. They are training police at 69 “Cop City” locations around the country to quell uprisings.

    11. OrgasmInTechnicolor on

      It wouldnt matter if no one said anything. Some people existing is going to be enough of a problem for it to never be bloodless. 
      Since they are doing their propaganda about trans people, gay people, pornography, drag, abortion, ivf etc everyone that has anything to do with it is going to the camps in about 2026.

    12. old_man_snowflake on

      Last time we didn’t listen, roe v wade was overturned. 

      They are telling us their plans and it’s working. It won’t end with Trump. 

    13. Ironically, the left needs to become “conservative” in the sense that we need to conserve our constitution and our democracy.

    14. MrIrrelevant-sf on

      Please listen to them and believe them. Specially if you are lgbtq or a poc

    15. Just bend over and let us slide it in without complaint and we wont hurt you…worse.

    16. gattoblepas on

      And they gloat.

      Why is it that that they gloat like a movie villain?

      This is real life they’re not supposed to cackle.

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