And all your wildest dreams will come true

    by bountyhunterfromhell


    1. everythingbeeps on

      Far far too many people simply don’t understand or believe what will happen to the country if Trump wins.

      They think everything will be as it always was.

      If they’ve even heard of Project 2025, they think it’s overblown and not going to happen.

      They think Trump will just leave office in 2028. They think there will be a fair election in 2028.

      They don’t see what has happened throughout the world when religious fanatics gain control of government.

    2. BigDaddyCoolDeisel on

      Too many believe there is some Dues Ex Machina running things who will save us if things get too crazy.

    3. Epistatious on

      If nothing else all the obstacles put in place by one particular party to make it harder for people to vote should make you want to vote just to stick it too them.

    4. Candid-Sky-3709 on

      Every citizen will get genuine golden Trump sneakers after the next election is won, funded by a new president-appreciation fee of 12% on every transaction after sales tax cuts.

    5. Disengaged voters are the worst voters. Recent polling has also shown that disengaged voters are most likely to vote for Trump.

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