Same thing with collapse of USSR

    by orchid_breeder


    1. I’m now fully convinced every time this happened in history there were thousands of people shouting over and over “Hey this is bad! We should stop this!” That people just ignored

    2. kokopelleee on

      The unelected and US imposed dictator Shah’s regime collapsing was far from sudden to those unprotected by it.

      The US today is on a terrible precipice, but this is not an apt comparison.

    3. EthanDMatthews on

      It’s a shame that there’s no one in office with the will or wherewithal to do anything about it.

    4. traitorssuck on

      A young Vladimir Putin helplessly watched as the USSR collapsed, and Western countries cheered its demise. Seeing his plans come to fruition and watching the US tear itself apart must be very satisfying for him.

    5. systems collapse in a cascade effect.

      the masters of maga are knocking out the props of modernity and democracy one by one. when they knock out enough, the whole thing comes down like a jenga tower. this is not a drill. this a real attempted coup.

    6. Icy-Progress8829 on

      The Supreme Court’s rulings are actually terrifying now. I feel more helpless than ever now regarding the right’s agenda. Yes, I vote. I have always voted. I was a poli sci major and worked for a dem governor. I have been a politics and news junkie my whole life.

      I am dumbfounded by what has happened in the past decade and now we know they had been planting the seeds for this since Reagan.

      No idea how we stop this freight train when the Supreme Court is this compromised.

    7. PensiveObservor on

      Sharing a story that has always disturbed me and adds to my current anxiety.

      In professional school in the 1980’s I had a young Iranian patient, probably 20 or 21, who confided in me how much he worried about his sister in Iran. He was hoping to bring her to the US as soon as he was able. He recognized how unhealthy it would be for her to remain in Iran (he preferred the old name of Persia) but felt helpless in the face of global politics. If I ran into him now, I would do all I could to help him get her here. I was young and stupid or I would have recognized the urgency and his worry. Don’t know if I could have helped him with my limited resources, but I would have tried.

      I hope your sister made it out, Behrooz. I understand, at last.

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