Is this an “official” act? Asking for America…

    by Black_Mamba_FTW


    1. enriquedelcastillo on

      I imagine after last week, Trump could have greeted him with a briefcase full of our nuclear secrets & the original US Constitution (folded hastily of course) & suffer no consequences at all.

    2. Calamity-Bob on

      Pretty sure that by that point the ROW had given up on the whole “leader” thing with Captain Cum Stains

    3. RiffyWammel on

      He couldn’t even lead his own country, like fuck is he anything official with the rest of the planet-useless orange lard sack

    4. Howtobe_normal on

      This is how you get peace with countries. You treat them like friends after years of hostility. Why does the left hate peace so much?

    5. TheEldenMeme on

      Reddit when the Supreme Court makes a ruling that changes nothing and just affirms what was already the case 😱 Y’all don’t understand the ruling and it shows.

    6. CastleofWamdue on

      Pretty sure we should not be calling Trump the leader of the free world

    7. Upset_Researcher_143 on

      Did that general salute him back or leave his hand out for Trump to shake? That had to be an awkward situation for him. Like if he salutes Trump back, he’s basically insulting Kim Jong Un and asking to possibly be arrested later for saluting a foreign enemy and “conspiring” against the state. If he just leaves his hand out, maybe Jong Un feels like he’s insulting a foreign friend and again, arrested later for “conspiring” against the state. Kind of a no win situation for the guy.

    8. Medical_Neat2657 on

      Last president that did anything even similar to that had his brain bucket dumped into the back of his convertible.

    9. Lionheart1827 on

      This is so fucking embrassing whenever it pops up. The POTUS saluting a fucking north Korean general. Dumb fuck

    10. In all fairness it was an honest mistake. Trump thought he was a Russian general.

    11. Intelligent-Force482 on

      Somehow this is any different than Obama bowing to the Chinese emperor….

    12. You’re all complaining about this, but remember when Obama bowed to a Saudi King? 😂

    13. Trump is what you get when you combine a psychopathic narcissist with an imbecile.

    14. OutOfSupplies on

      That dumbass took any opportunity he had to try and make his draft-dodging cowardly ass look like he had some level of military experience other than making his bed.

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