What the fuck man

    by Quirky-Material9725


    1. paintbrush666 on

      He will not eat his green eggs and ham.

      Not on a boat, or in a moat, or by a goat

    2. So we’ve got a old as fuck convicted felon who fucks porn starts, a not as old but still old as fuck Rapist, and a dude with alzheimers who needs to be 25th ammendment-ed…. what a lineup. Is this real life?

    3. ![gif](giphy|SrtrOEqulguGNw4wIM)

      I already wasn’t gonna vote for him but wow-

    4. Own-Ambassador-3537 on

      Damn the qualifications for running for president changed from don’t be a criminal to felonies are encouraged!🤷🏿‍♂️

    5. ReflectedMantis on

      Man he seemed interesting when I first heard about him. While I quickly realized that he was no better than the rest of the options, the more time passes, the more I realize just how bad of an option RFK Jr is.

    6. ForwardHedgehog3090 on

      He’s always been a huge POS. He has cheated on all of his wives. When he was having his affair with Cheryl Hines, his wife at the time committed sucide.

    7. RiverLiverX25 on


      So if someone said:

      ‘*Not ***a church gal*** but will milk every man for money via sex any chance cause….am what I am 🤷‍♀️can’t help it. It’s my nature.’*

      How’s that sound? Not great.

      Is this really how we’re going to deal with sexual assault now?:

      ‘*Couldn’t help it*’, ‘**it’s just who I am…? Womp Womp**’.

      OK, let’s do this. The women get to claim the same. Not sure those men are going to like it. Lol.

      Every woman in politics get smeared for being:

      “too good looking”

      ~***She’s just a pretty face.***

      “not good looking enough”

      ~***She’s a crone what does she know?***

      “too forceful”

      ~***She’s a bitch!***

      “not forceful enough…”

      ~***She’s weak!***

      “She is diplomatic to get things past the big boys club.”

      Bring on this new era of politics where men get to do everything and excuse it later as *boys being boys* because the women are going to do the same!

      If he gets out saying that he only did it because he was a man, then women get the same excuse.

      Bring it on!

    8. anythingMuchShorter on

      He’s like Great Value trump. Not that trump is good, but he is still like an off brand imitation.

    9. His family agrees, and that’s why none of them support him.

      Telling, isn’t it? At least Trump has the backing of his creepy kids, and their even creepier spouses.

    10. griffonfarm on

      Is anybody really surprised that the worm-brained dog-eater sexually assaults women and thinks it’s ok?

    11. TH3_54ND0K41 on

      “When asked regarding several murders of adolescent female children in the neighborhood of his youth, Robert F Kennedy Jr. would only respond with the terse statement, ‘boys will be boys'”

    12. ArkhamKnight_1 on

      Truth! He’s a Kennedy for gosh sakes…

      It’s a given…


    13. Dead_Man_Redditing on

      That what sucks the most about this election, the only 3rd party option is an antivax pedophile.

    14. PINK-RIPPAZ on

      His brain barely functions AND he’s a sex offender. Christ it’s like they just mashed Biden and Trump together

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