This displaced hate for the unhoused when everyone is a few missed paychecks away from the same situation smh

    by imjustheretodomyjob


    1. ![gif](giphy|dzDqq1VfoLRuDywHmO)

      Sometimes I’m ashamed to be a fuckin human being when I read shit like this.

    2. The negativity I see people post about homeless people in LA is just sickening.

    3. TheRightToDream on

      This is why I love the natural end to fascist bigoted pursuits.

      That karma will come around. Bet.

    4. cracquelature on

      Feelings are just not getting hurt enough when I call you a broke bum these days

    5. CharlesBronsonsHair on

      the crazy price of housing should get people more angry, that’s a huge reason there’s so many homeless

    6. Disgusting. I remember being a displaced child and experienced homelessness of my own doing as an adult; whoever wrote this is despicable. You never know what path people have went down to end up where they are, and to be completely (or willingly) ignorant to that is exactly why this country is the way it is. Nobody gives a damn, just judge from the hip. Fuck em

    7. SmallDickModiNoBalls on

      I was homeless for two years and lived out of my car. It was devastating and one of the hardest thing I ever did was dig my way out. You know how hard it is to take a piss downtown? Imagine needing to take a bath because you stank and have a job interview coming up.

      Never wrote a book of poetry tho so Jewel still go tone up on me.

    8. The federalist society and project 2025 is way ahead of you. They won’t need verbal insults to be cooked in that southern/western heat.

    9. Summerisgone2020 on

      Imagine being such a sorry mother fucking you are trying to think up slurs for the homeless

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