BREAKING: Person seen living a normal life

    by Mdc2699


    1. coopersgranny on

      Full grown woman who is also a PRIVATE CITIZEN was seen living her life and not giving a shit what @dailyloud has to say

    2. I’m pretty surprised this only happened 9 months ago. I was genuinely sure this happened about 5 years ago. The internet has broken my sense of time.

    3. AValentineSolutions on

      Oh my god! A person doing normal person things!


    4. Down vote this.

      Even me commenting draws attention.

      Leave her alone. She’s just a person in the world.

    5. Large-Wheel-4181 on

      People caring about other people living their life instead of getting one themselves is pathetic

    6. ThrowingChicken on

      Remember when Noelle Bush got busted with crack cocaine and now all these old Bettys on FB insist it was actually one of the Obama daughters “for obvious reasons”.

    7. -UnbelievableBro- on

      BREAKING: Not this post that has been reposted a billion times that’s for sure

    8. AttentionLogical3113 on

      And no one cares. No one cares when bush’s daughters was doing coke

    9. Damn, I thought Obama taught her better than this. Can you really believe that she went to Los Angeles?!

    10. Why are people so weird? Leave her alone. She’s just doing normal everyday stuff. If she were doing something like getting a little freaky with her date at a production of Beetlejuice with kids around, THEN I could see doing a piece on her or taking pics. But just talking with friends outside, smoking a cig, and wearing jeans and a bikini top isn’t newsworthy. That’s just a day in the summertime.

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