My town defaulted on our only free public charger’s electricity bill

    by Bamboozleprime


    1. I’ll take “Things that aren’t going to be free anymore” for $200, Alex.

    2. ArtAndCraftBeers on

      Put “free” anything to the public and watch it get abused to hell. I’d be surprised if these weren’t used 24-7 with people poaching the spot day and night to pinch pennies keeping their $60k car topped up.

    3. Lol. Wait until they get rid of all the fossil fuel cars and see how much it is to charge your battery car.

    4. kramerica_intern on

      This almost happened to a new public building in the city where I work. The builder stopped paying the electric bill once the project was done but didn’t bother to transfer the account to the city so it went unpaid for several months.

      We were hosting an event at the building when the power guy came to put this same kind of notice on the front door.

    5. My understanding is that power is cheap in the US compared to the UK NZ AU etc. So that sounds like a crap tonne of power.

    6. youdoitimbusy on

      I’m surprised they didn’t just tap the main line, instead of putting in a meter. I know a few places in my city that have done that. They aren’t charging cars though.

    7. I would be willing to bet this was a bureaucratic error where it would have been paid had the system for paying it been set up properly. Somewhere, there is a pigeon hole for an employee that left months ago with 50 notices from the electric company in it.

    8. Wait what? $13k for a public level 2 car charger? I charge my car at home every day and it’s like $20 a month. How much charging action does this get to rack up this high of a bill? Hardly ever do I see a public charger with something actually charging.

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