All roads lead to loss

    by i_was_pizza


    1. The_Ghost_of_TAC on

      Only half the country is realizing this now. The rest of knew 4 years ago.

    2. If we get the orange guy we’re losing democracy and then we’ll REALLY lose.

    3. JFC, Russian and China bots out again with the both sides narrative. Gotta love it.

    4. haonlineorders on

      You’re only a loser if your side loses. The President is just a face for their admin/cabinet/advisors. The people they appoint are who run the country.

      Their admin is what runs stuff on a daily basis and tells them to veto or accept bills, influence congress, nominate justices, etc.

      The difference between what Trump and most Republicans will actually do is minor (just what he says/appears like in speeches/press conferences). Likewise the difference between what Biden and most Democrats will actually do is minor (just what he says/appears like in speeches/press conferences). Sure the President can provide some influence (especially over their party and admin), or help their party win elections with good speeches, but the president doesn’t decide every-single-thing (if the President died and no Vice stepped in, the country would run as normal until Congress passed a Bill).

      The President just manages their admin and provides soft influence. Stuff really cannot happen unless one party gets control of Congress and Whitehouse.

    5. TheOneCalledD on

      Yeah yeah you all parroted that Democracy and our country was over in 2016 too. Same projection, different decade.

    6. BackAllyPharmacist on

      How is this a dank meme? No one cares about political bullshit that’s why we are here.

    7. Direct-Composer-8155 on

      Fair. Just know all the Biden memes would be Trump memes if Trump had the bad debate performance.

    8. Yup.
      We’re fucked.
      I’m not saying that the American People should revolt.
      But I do think that absolutely no one on earth would be surprised if it happened.
      I think it would be like a “yeah that makes sense” moment…

    9. trollsoultoll on

      The American people. That’s who’s going to lose from this election – the American ppl

    10. AnonONinternet on

      For the 3 presidential elections I’ve been an adult in I’ve had the option of voting for trump, or hillary/Biden. Wish Bernie got in initially he’d be on his last year of presidency

    11. Ffs this is the most boomer political “joke”. Get the politics off this sub.

    12. We already lost. Now it’s just keeping the status quo or making it worse. Look at the state of the country. Might as well just burn it down and start over, cause shit ain’t getting better.

      Biden has had 4 years as president and 35 years in a political office and has done shit, idk what people are expecting other than dems trying maintain the shit can we have.

      For the record I am no fan of Trump. He’s a literal piece of dog shit and stomped all over democracy. But the dems think taking the high road is gonna solve shit and it’s not.

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