We all need an enemy to distract out stinky peasants from the real issues dont we?

    by TheExperimentalDoge


    1. TheExperimentalDoge on

      [During the Carolingian period, Jews had a vital function as importers of goods from the East, and their laws and customs were generally tolerated, although they were not allowed to proselytize to Christians. It was during this peaceful time, that Jews from other communities emigrated to Francia in hopes of better treatment, notably members of the Persian House of Exilarchs, such as Isaac the Jew and Makhir of Narbonne came to Francia and with them, brought a large community of Persian Jews, who later assimilated to European customs. However, these peaceful relations would end with the beginning of the First Crusade and thousands of Jews in communities all along the Rhine were attacked and killed under the presumption that if they were going to attack enemies of the Christ in Jerusalem, they should attack “Christ’s enemies” around them in Germany, ushering in a lasting antisemitism that included pogroms, blood libel, and being blamed as the cause of catastrophes like the Black Death and the Mongol invasion of Europe. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_European_Jews_in_the_Middle_Ages)

    2. haonlineorders on

      >>No reason

      The reason is they always hated Jews. The civilizations which tolerate Jews are the exception

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