“I’m not racist”

    by garlicpermission


    1. space_jiblets on

      I wish all these culturists had a time machine so they could go and protest their countries spreading culture by force around the globe

    2. Little_Assistant_551 on

      Is it just me or did the “logical person” manage to pick countries which are a mix of many different cultures mixed and assimilated over the last couple thousands years?

    3. Electronic_Spread632 on

      …. these cultures have been so intertwined with one another for centuries. The Greeks once had controll over many of parts of Italy , several hundred years later the Roman’s conquest went to Greece and as far as Scotland as well as most of Europe. With the destruction of the Roman Empire norther Europeans came in and filled the vacuum. Europe was a constant migration wave and continues to be so. With the disintegration of the empire, is where culture came from that you speak highly about. Spain was dominated by the moors ( Muslims ) sorry , for 700 years and their influence went to Sicily as well and other countries too.

    4. We want immigrants in Czech Republic, but they never stay and just continue to Germany for like 10 times better social benefits 🙁 …

    5. BleachedPumpkin72 on

      There’s nothing racist in loving your own culture in your own country and preferring it over any foreign culture.

    6. We DO have a problem with integration.

      We also have a problem with people intentionally abusing the immigration processes and welfare programs to enrich themselves at our expense without any intention to stay and contribute.

      The way immigration works in Europe right now is a cause for concern for most people.

      Let me distinguish the worry of immigration that normal people have and far-right has.

      Far-right hate immigration cause they don’t want non-whites. Normal people hate immigration because our systems in place to handle it are blatantly broken.

      So please don’t lump these groups together.

      Just… y’know. Keep that in mind going forward. Unless somebody gives you a good reason for you to think they are racist while talking about immigration being bad, then don’t accuse them of being racist.

      Btw, i am not defending the guy in op’s post. Just so that’s clear too. It’s pretty clear he is a christian nationalist, who are, as far as i am concerned, all scum.

    7. Yes because french wine culture comes only from france and has no other influences.

    8. TheFreshwerks on

      So basically ‘Western Europe and uh… Greece.’

      I’m Eastern European. The West does not want me, we’re barely European to them *until* the ‘foreigners’ comment on our women, and then it’s ‘actually, Eastern Europe is Europe too, and only WE, the Westerners, are allowed to try and get ourselves a submissive skinny white eastern european wife or some shit. Real Schrödinger’s European shit in here. European when ‘whites’ are in danger of losing out to immigration, 2nd world heathens and neanderthals when it’s time to bang their chest about the *real* European cultures.

    9. Connect_Atmosphere80 on

      As a frenchman speaking for a lot of other frenchmens, what the hell bro let us do our shit as we want ? You’re nobody to tell US what we are allowed to do in our country ! Yeah there is people eating baguettes and drinking wine every days but our culture isn’t limited to that crap, as far as someone is willing to complain and participate in a demonstration if something anger them they are WELCOMED and treated as TRUE PATRIOTS.

      You pray another god, have a skin darker than mine, are working for the IRS equivalent ? I don’t care as long as you are next to me in the streets to chant the demise of one of our political figure. THAT’S THE TRUE FRENCH SPIRIT AND NOTHING ELSE SHOULD MATTERS.

    10. Sprites4Ever on

      # You think you’re an American Patriot by being Nationalist?

      * Your ‘MAGA’ Cap – Malaysian
      * Your Flag – Chinese
      * Your Gun – German
      * Your Noodles – Italian
      * Your Car Brand – Founded on foreign Guest Workers
      * Your Government – Established after a Conflict about the Treatment of Africans
      * Your Language – German + French + Latin
      * Your Ancestors – British
      * Your Land – Native American
      * Your Continent’s Name – Italian

      # You cannot keep the cultures apart.

    11. AstridWarHal on

      “I love Europe and their culture like… uhm… spain doing… spain things”

    12. HurlingFruit on

      Good thing he told me he isn’t a racist. Before that I was sure he was a racist.

    13. I am pretty sure Africans have the same opinion when it comes to preserving culture and so does Latin American and other countries. l am not white yet I didn’t take offence to that. In fact if I was ever to travel to a country like Italy I would love to enjoy their culture otherwise why the fuck would I travel to Italy. It’s not racist to protect your culture.

    14. “Brits did good with our culture.”
      Bruh the number one joke about British culture is that they stole a lot of it from other cultures.

    15. YourBoyFoxxy on

      You hear this “logical person”, if you’re not franch, stay away from bread and wine

    16. serendipitousPi on

      Ah yes, Christianity widely known to have originated in Europe.

      It’s honestly funny when people act like there’s this set point in the constant cultural flux that they have to return to. Like ah yes they want cultures to stay where they are but not Christianity nah that’s fine.

      Plus not only did Christianity supplant European religions it actively murdered them. Now before someone takes this the wrong way, I fully understand that Christianity hundreds of years ago doesn’t necessarily reflect Christianity today and besides Christianity has been rather splintered for quite some time so the actions of one group of Christians won’t reflect another.

    17. Illithilitch on

      Dude claims not to be racist while reducing European cultures down to stereotypes. If that’s how you see your fellow white people I shudder to think how you feel about people who aren’t ethnically European.

      Seriously, couldn’t even think of stereotypes for 3 of 5!!

    18. Coffin_Builder on

      That’s funny, cause I hear these same people shit on other white European cultures all the time

    19. Vilebrequin10 on

      If you start a sentence with “I’m not a racist, but” your new name is Racist-Butt.

      -Stephen Colbert.

    20. Human civilization is woven from countless threads of cultural exchange, migration and integration. What you have said is not only historically inaccurate, but also stifles the very essence of what it means to be human.

      Cultures are dynamic and always have been. Throughout history, Europe has been a melting pot of influences from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The numbers you use today in Europe, the Arabic numerals, were created by scholars from the Islamic world, if you really want to segregate culture and prevent it from evolving with the world in a purely facist way, you have to start by stopping using arabic numerals realpeteyb123. The Renaissance, famous for the flourishing of art and science in Europe, was strongly influenced by the work of Greek and Roman scholars, preserved and developed by Arab, Persian and Jewish thinkers. The culture you love is the result of the constant mixing and interaction of the European culture of the time with other world cultures.

      I’m French. Where exactly do you think wine comes from? And you think that France has existed since the beginning of mankind and that every Frenchman who suddenly appeared had a glass of red wine in his hand? What about all the ancient human civilizations that are at the origins of today’s civilizations, do you think that modern European civilization has always existed? No, if everyone had applied what you think, the European culture you love would never have existed. Vines were cultivated by the ancient Phoenicians, who originated in what is now Lebanon. Bread-making techniques evolved thanks to the contributions of various civilizations, including Egypt, where the practice of leavened bread was born.

      The Italian culture you want to preserve in Italy has been shaped by centuries of invasion, trade and cultural exchange. The Roman Empire itself was a vast melting pot of cultures, incorporating elements from all over the Mediterranean basin and beyond. Go find the origins of pasta.

      Many of the things you’ve mentioned don’t make you a member of European culture, just because you drink wine and eat bread doesn’t mean you’re French. Diversity enriches societies, not only leading to the European culture you already have, but also bringing fresh perspectives, innovative ideas and new ways of thinking that drive societies forward. In science, technology, art and cuisine, the blending of different cultures has given rise to some of the most remarkable advances and creations.

      The best culture is one that knows how to evolve in the right direction, while preserving the good aspects it already has and throwing out the bad ones.

    21. As a white european, i get where this guy is coming from.
      But what these people dont realise is that:
      1. Cultures are not mutually exclusive, nobody is emmigrating to a country and expecting everyone to be the same as them.
      2. The cultures of europe have been mixing for millenia, even with non-europeans (think the turkish influence in the balkans) so the idea of a ‘pure’ culture is fantasy.

    22. phdthrowaway110 on

      A Christian who only wants European culture. Someone remind me, which part of France was Jesus from again?

    23. This moron lives in the USA. Does he want the land to go back to the native american tribes? Of course not, he is only nativist when it is convenient . Racist scumbag

    24. I’m pretty sure Middle Eastern countries would prefer their countries to remain Arab and Muslim, so why is there a double standard here?

    25. To be fair, this may well be his attempt to uplift the different cultures that made up europe rather then put down others. And there is an argument to be had about Europe having a lot of diversity culturally speaking.

    26. DisgruntledWarrior on

      Wasn’t there something about 1/5 being Muslim through out all of Europe by 2035 or something

    27. HollyweirdRonnie on

      This guy would have spit on the Irish and Italians in the US back in the 19th century.

      Bigotry never changes, but the targets can

    28. MagictheCollecting on

      If you have to tell us you’re not racist, you’re probably racist

    29. hellerick_3 on

      Would I be considered a racist if I wanted the cultures of African countries to survive?

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