What the us did to native america is basically what the nazis did to eastern europe

    by Jche98


    1. Waltzing_With_Bears on

      Not really, both were genocides for sure and totally inexcusable but they are also rather different events in many ways

    2. I thought it was common knowledge that Hitler was inspired by the USA lmao why are there so many defensive comments

    3. Historyteacher999 on

      Yeah no, not even close. Disease killed more Native Americans than anything. Still incredibly sad, but not genocide. The whites conflict with the Native Americans stemmed from their desire for land, not a desire to wipe Native Americans from the earth. 

      The OP should look up what the Comanches did to the Apaches if he is curious about genocide. 

    4. Not really. The germans failed in their attempt and were foced back intontheir original 13 colonies

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