Please vote in the November elections

    by thatguy9684736255


    1. That and because of the Supreme Court we currently have, the president now has the authority to essentially do whatever they want as long as it’s “official”. 

      This one’s for all the marbles, folks.

    2. Exactly why we can’t rely on someone with cognitive disabilities to be the last line defense.

    3. Ok, then don’t prop up a fucking corpse as the last line of defense, liberals really are the reason the country sucks. They are allergic to being good at politics. The DNC is about as detached from their constituents as you can get but please keep begging for votes.

    4. If Biden wins, there’s zero chance any of the conservative justices retire.

    5. Democrats should have a valid candidate and an exciting program instead of begging for people to vote because Trump is bad.

    6. Kooky_Way8522 on

      Trump is a convicted criminal, serial liar, fraud, rapist, white supremacists, and traitor.
      He is old, cancerous, and whips these in his cult into violent, rabid, lunatics
      He’s loud, hateful, and brings out the worst traits in people.

      But Biden is 3 years older.

      Spead it, live it VOTE BLUE
      For the sake of the country VOTE BLUE

    7. This assumes they will retire. They will hold on till there dying breath, they can still damage America so they will.

    8. We’re so far past this point. This is hand-wringing. This is impotent mewling.

      This next election will not be “fought” fairly by the GOP.

      Red states will refuse to certify any blue voting win and SCOTUS will back them.

      Biden and the Democrats continue to “wait for the system to correct itself” and “put their faith in the people’s sensibility.” They’re wrong to do so. From SCOTUS to the GOP in Congress to red state Governors to powerful media owners to rich billionaires controlling PACs and “think tanks” like Heritage…MODERATES AND THE LEFT DO NOT STAND A CHANCE IN NOVEMBER UNLESS EMERGENCY ACTION IS TAKEN NOW!

    9. Trump may not even appoint judges. It will be Bannon and Jones and fools like that

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