Basically the Sub at thus point

    by Narykxod


    1. DrBadGuy1073 on

      I don’t play EU4 but you can of course think of me as a GigaChad if you like.

    2. This sub is flooded with autistic kids who think “history” is about knowing as much irrelevant details as possible.

    3. aFalseSlimShady on

      I learned my history from ES4 and this isn’t what Martin would have wanted.

    4. CouldYouBeMoreABot on

      Yeah OP, you’re not helping with this garbage post.

      So kindly fuck off and come back with better posts. Be the change you want.

    5. MusicalMagicman on

      Don’t forget the weird obsession with the Roman Empire and the totally not at all suspicious hatred of Muslims lol

    6. “History buff”, “History nerd”, “History fan”, “History enjoyer”, fuck off. I’m here for funny posts about actual HISTORY and i don’t give a fuck about your history knoweledge or where it comes from.

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