Who could have POSSIBLY seen this coming?(except for everyone of course)

    by Lord_Answer_me_Why


    1. saucywenchns on

      No surprise here. His base doesn’t care, but hopefully the rest will.

    2. DeathmasterFawzy on

      “…you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that world.” – Orange felon and rapist when asked about declassifying Epstein files…

    3. moderately-extremist on

      It was obvious Trump was in the files, but what I’m surprised about is… why are Epstein files being declassified now?

    4. Hang on now, Don Jr assured us that his daddy wasn’t on Epstein’s list. Are you suggesting that Don Jr wasn’t completely honest with us? /s

    5. Jaded_Loverr on

      Methinks Mr Smith should start publishing the most damning evidence now and let the voters see it

    6. kokopelleee on

      These were all OFFICIAL acts…

      In case anyone is confused, trumps lawyer has already said they will challenge his recent conviction and say paying Stormy Daniel’s hush money was an official act. That it happened BEFORE he was president is not relevant

    7. stogiesnbeer on

      And the supreme court and republican party sold the country out for this fucking pervert.

    8. p2025 suggests the death penalty for CSA and perhaps even for porn. hmmm. and he wasn’t prez back then.

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