My neighbor’s (24M) fridge

    by loveartemia


    1. If feel like if you’re only going to eat one food, steak is a pretty good pick.

    2. StinkyHoboTaint on

      I do not understand people who buy bottled water for their home fridge.

    3. He needs to fix those two askew beer cans and tighten those waters up a bit

    4. RantyWildling on

      At least he drinks water.

      My old housemate only drank beer and coffee.

      Edit: (until he started having seizures from too much booze)

    5. SpecialMango3384 on

      What’s the issue? Is it the water? Because I just get mine from the water dispenser in my fridge

    6. GravitationalEddie on

      More beverages would make the fridge more efficient. Definately make sure there’s something in the freezer.

    7. allbright1111 on

      He has an entire other fridge dedicated to produce, right? Makes sense.

    8. saraphilipp on

      By 46 it should be filled with all the good snacks and nothing but Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer. He’ll have a seperate meet freezer.

    9. Loofa_of_Doom on

      He’s not got weird lifeforms evolving in the back of the fridge. I don’t see a problem.

    10. Character_Pop_3056 on

      Isn’t there drinking water supply at homes there by tap or something else?

    11. My mother said when she went to my dad’s apt when they were dating he has beer, some noodles, and a bottle of ketchup in the fridge and nothing else

    12. The lack of hot sauce is concerning, I hope he’s one of those weirdos that keeps their vitamin H on the counter

    13. Own-Ask2702 on

      Needs more beer….and vegetables. I love beer, cheese and broccoli 🥦.

    14. Mindless_Can4885 on

      It’s clean and there are no science experiments in the back so let’s give credit where credit is due.

    15. Lwnr0Gre666 on

      Mine was water, lunchables, bbq sauce in the fridge and celeste pizzas in the freezer… until my now wife moved in. Now my fridge is packed, and im fatter.

    16. MurphyPandorasLawBox on

      Milk, meat, Pepsi, bottled water, canned water, larger cans of water, bottled water, creamer, Whataburger branded ketchup, and nasty-ass Country Crock *vegetable oil spread*.

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