I found an onion with a message inside on the road at night

    by Oggnar


    1. The Onion : “Local Man believes what he read inside a roadside onion will happen”

    2. You can’t just post about an onion with a message in it and not tell us what the message says

    3. I found this onion while taking a stroll in the middle of the night because I couldn’t get to rest. On the road, in the center of an empty crossing, I found this mistreated thing.
      I cut it open and found some reddish powder inside of it that reminded me of paprika, as well as a list of names that was titled ‘unfriendly friends’.
      I’m not sure whether it’s possible to post a follow-up image in the comment section. Can someone help me out with this?

    4. I would put that back right where you found it. lol Don’t mess with it honestly. It was probably meant to be ran over and destroyed for someone’s spell work!!

    5. I am the type to never pick up random items like that off the ground. It could be booby trapped.

    6. No-Tangelo-3220 on

      This is one of the weirdest stories I’ve ever heard. It’s be great in a Stephen King novel about a list left for a hit man on a lonely road in the dead of night.

    7. Yeah, it’s a spell. I would take the onion, replace it with the message, “Charmed is over-rated,” and sign it with the name of your worst enemy. 🙂

    8. Nintendo1964 on

      Must’ve fallen of my belt. We wore ’em on our belt, which was the style at the time.

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