What does she mean “actual crimes”?

    by Quirky-Material9725


    1. DarlesCharwinsGhost on

      You know, the crimes of not paying a person hush money with campaign funds and properly documenting it. Or not taking confidential documents and bringing them home after their tenure as President. Those crimes.

    2. OrangeChickenParm on

      It could be argued that crimes were committed by both Bush AND Obama in regards to the GWOT.

      If zero immunity means they get prosecuted, then good.

      No one should be above the law. Except now the president is.

    3. Financial-Tower-7897 on


      Give her two slices of bread and she’ll be happy

    4. If he didn’t commit any crimes then.why has he went through all this hassle to get immunity.

    5. Darksoul_Design on

      I’d like to see her list these “actual crimes”.

      Half the problem is she is too stupid to know, she just calls everything she disagrees with “a crime”.

    6. Kind_Committee8997 on

      Yeah…thats kind of the point Marge. No one worships any of those men.

    7. Infinity-X78 on

      Marjorie Taylor Greene is what happens when the ventriloquist dies and the dummy keeps on talking.

    8. Always_Complainin on

      And if there IS immunity for Trump then there IS immunity for every other president despite actual crimes you Neanderthal.

    9. Actual crimes like the lying about Iraqi WMDs, the torture program and extrajudicial killings

    10. EmporerPenguino on

      Margie~~answering the age old question: what is the maximum quantity of pure stupid you can cram into a bleach blonde bad built butch body?

    11. Marjorie Taylor Green is the epitome of the phrase, “I told you that bitch is crazy.”

    12. Nanocyborgasm on

      She’s playing the “both sides” argument of false equivalence. She believes corruption is everywhere and that if presidents aren’t immune from the law, they can’t do their job. She’s roundabout admitting that the presidency is an elected tyranny because that’s just how the world works.

    13. Okay, what crimes ? Aside from the ones you’re pulling out of your chicken feet ass.

    14. sovietdinosaurs on

      It’s so adorable to see her almost get it, isn’t it? Like she so close.

    15. Not making MTG “Go Away” is absolutely a crime I hold Biden responsible for. He is now immune from the consequences of doing this so if he doesn’t, I blame him for her continued existence in US politics.

    16. I’m all for no immunity for anyone, get rid of diplomatic immunity as well. If your country representatives can’t follow the law of the land they are visiting/staying, then you should representative that will.

      Tourists don’t get any immunity when visiting other countries and they break laws while there.

    17. xLikeafiddlex on

      Biden: you molested a woman and slept with a pornstar..

      Trump: I didn’t sleep with a pornstar…

      What did he mean by this???

    18. Everyone should be held accountable for illegal actions, I don’t care what political party they were part of.

    19. Final_Location_2626 on

      It’s strange that we are saying the same thing, but expecting different results.

      I agree with MTG. No president acting outside duties outlined in the constitution specified for the president should get immunity.

      If you have evidence of crimes, bring them forward.

    20. I think what she means is “Dick me down daddy Trump!”

      I could be wrong, but that’s what I believe she means.

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