1. Hi_Im_Dadbot on

      That line would have hit harder with an image of the Supreme Court building exploding behind him.

    2. Weekly-Ad-2509 on

      Biden should drain the swamp right now.

      Dump all the information on any corruption and malfeasance.

      Open door

    3. Robotic_Jedi on

      We purposefully put in place a system that didn’t reflect a monarchy, and look how close we are to one, 247 years later.

    4. Winnie_the_poops on

      FOR FUCKS SAKE! Please do something yourself about it. PLEASE! All of this “you just need to go vote” bullshit is old. We have part of the country actively inhibiting people’s ability to vote. We have half the country too gullible and stupid to make an informed decision. How is the plan always “if you go vote maybe we can prevent them from throwing you in the gas chambers?” They keep playing by the rules the other side sets and doesn’t follow themselves. If/when Trump was in power he’s just going to do whatever the fuck he wants to absolutely annihilate all of us. You think he’s going to ask the people what they want? Just fucking throw some punches and make some changes. JFC. We did the vote thing. Now you have the power to enact change. Do it

    5. Wholesome_Prolapse on

      He also said he’s literally not going to do anything and it’s up to the American people to decide. The people of the land. The common clay of the new west.

    6. Simpsoy_Homer_Jay on

      And yet all Biden does here is what Dems always do…talk. He won’t DO anything. A strongly worded statement doesn’t work. MAGA is putting everything in place to rule, and has been doing so for years. And yet Dems only action is to condemn, and “blast.” They have followed the law and clutched their pearls while MAGA is pulling the rug out. When the living fuck will they do ANYTHING more than strong words?!

    7. TheLandFanIn814 on

      The fact that yet again Trump is causing a distraction in the federal government drives me crazy. Instead of working to make this country better they are wasting time and resources on that moron.

      On top of that, Biden and the Democrats respect democracy too much to do anything about it. Which is exactly why the SC had no problem passing this while he was in office. Only Trump and the GOP will abuse this.

    8. Stop fuckin telling us trump is an existential threat and then do fuck all but say ‘vote’. Damn it, we voted you to preserve the union now do something about this shit! How about you show me you can protect us from slipping into fascism right now!?!

    9. So what are you going to do Biden? You’ve said for us to vote, but what are YOU going to do to stop the rise of christofascism from the republicans?

    10. doggoandsidekick on

      And I, Joe Biden, will be the bigger man and leave it to my Republican successors to prove just how wrong this decision was.

    11. brentexander on

      Erase student debt, tax the billionaires, shut down Fox news, and send Donald Trump to a CIA black site, the courts can’t stop him now because he’s carrying out his official duties of protecting us from domestic threats.

    12. SquarePiglet9183 on

      I think for a start Biden should declare the recent decision by SCOTUS to undo the 40 year old Chevron Doctrine null and void. Acting in his official capacity as president, he believes that decision is a danger to America and Americans and all federal agencies will continue to act as they have in the past.

    13. BetterCalltheItalian on

      Then do something, Joe. Let the courts sort it out. You’ll be dead before you have to go to jail.

      But we’ll be free.

    14. Princess_Puneta on

      Biden, they just gave you unlimited power! Fucking Use It! Save this country. Arrest trump and send him to gitmo to stand trial for treason. No more malarkey!

    15. TheeVagabond on

      The dems will take the high road on this; the repubs will exploit the ruling.

    16. WetNWildWaffles on

      Fuckin A man i really wanted him to at least say something to the extent of “vote for me and I’ll expand the court.”

      I dunno but fuck, give us some kind of plan. ANYTHING. Don’t just tell us you won’t use the power you were just given – what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

    17. Biden should have some drones following those justices around for awhile, make them sweat a bit.. maybe a a few congress people too

    18. What’s stopping Biden from using his executive powers to remove corrupted judges from the court, appoint his own? 

      Seems like they just told him he could.

    19. Jealous-Network1899 on

      “Which is why I’ll be ordering a preemptive air strike on Mar A Lago.”

    20. IndependentTalk4413 on

      Here’s the difference between Trump and the MAGA SCOTuS and Biden and the 3 non maga justices.

      If Biden abused this new power granted by SCOTUS and just arrested Thomas, Alito, Roberts,Gorsuch, Beer Bro and the Handmaiden and tried to replace them win Judges he thinks would support his agenda, the liberal justices would heartily object and probably refuse to sit on the Court.

      If Trumps wins, when a judgement goes against him he will arrest and replace any justice he thinks is a block to his agenda and replace them with judges like Cannon. Thomas and Alito for sure and probably the other MAGA Justices other than maybe Roberts, would support Trump fully.

    21. KirikaClyne on

      So, is a President allowed to remove a judge(s) of the Supreme Court as an “official act” and have immunity?

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