[OC] Email received and processed from 5 days of vacation

    by flippinsweetdude

    1 Comment

    1. flippinsweetdude on

      Took 5 days off work, to ride bicycle across the Black Hills of South Dakota. Came back to 972 emails. Here is the determination of each email. I doubt I am unique in how crappy it is to read through so many unnecessary emails. ( Thanks Brenda for CC’ing everyone on all the emails )

      Used [https://sankeymatic.com/build/](https://sankeymatic.com/build/) for the chart/image. Used tally sheet while parsing through emails on my outlook account.

      Worth noting I emailed myself ( from gmail to work account ) as riding my bike frees my mind, and I often find problems to work/life problems during my rides. I like to email myself the solution, so I can get my work out of my mind, and back to enjoying my trip.

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