Saying such a thing was a big scandal once upon a time.

    by BeerGogglesFTW


    1. Interesting that Ford pardoned Nixon for crimes he couldn’t be prosecuted for, and Nixon accepted it, thus also acknowledging that he could be prosecuted for what he did. Unfortunately for them, the “official acts immunity” clause had yet to be discovered in Article II by the Shady Bunch here. Textualism my ass. They’re all fucking traitors and should be dealt with as such.

    2. MessagingMatters on

      The Founding Fathers be like, “I didn’t have ‘the president can break the law’ on my Bingo card.”

    3. rocco_ross_21 on

      Why just the president? Why not all three branches of the government and those that serve in them? Immunity for all while acting “officially” SMH

    4. Some_Random_Android on

      It’s really sad when Nixon is a better president any Republican president that came after him. 🙁

    5. CalRipkenForCommish on

      Nixon would absolutely love this timeline, what with the Supreme Court and the antics of the current Republican Party. He would never have left office, just denied everything. You could argue trump is what Nixon would have been 50 years ago. Only thing is, Nixon didn’t serially sexually assault women and drive businesses into bankruptcy and force everyone else to pay for it…just for starters.

    6. Specialist_Lock8590 on

      Of course, in Nixon’s time, the SCOTUS wasn’t owned by Republican billionaires!

    7. coolbaby1978 on

      That was the huge “gotcha” moment in the Frost Nixon interview. Now the court is just like wll…duh.

    8. Just fucking amazing. Law means nothing if you’re a republican. And all this for Trump???

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