My ADHD meds came with a fidget cube

    by LillTindemann


    1. This looks incredible. My country doesn’t even medicate adults with adhd never mind flinging us a fidget cube. This is incredible!

    2. MonkeyNugetz on

      My son has ADHD. It’s pretty bad. He’s also really big. He’s 6 foot eight. At 17. When he plays with those they break in his hand. He has ADHD hands. I don’t know if that’s a real term but that’s what I call it. He will sit there and fidget with something until he’s totally taken it apart or destroyed it. And he’ll have no memory of doing it.

    3. EyyyyyyMacarena on

      Ah yes, Viloxazine. A 50 year old chemical, used for almost just as long as an anti-depressant. They figured out they could market it for ADHD as well so hell why not, they started boxing it in nice colours with a fidget spinner inside and call it a day. Pharma profit goes brrrrr.

      Forget about the 20% who get the psychiatric side effects which are definitely a lot more real than ADHD – from irritability to full on insomnia and vomiting, or the really serious ones, like a fucking seziure.

    4. kneelthepetal on

      My patients loved Qelbree samples because they all came with a little fidget toy, I think the kids pack had some coloring stuff, adolescents got one of those popper toy keychains, I don’t remember fidget cubes tho I might have taken one for myself lol.

      They liked getting the free toy more then the free meds lol

    5. Any one else with adhd have this kind of listening problem? I’ll listen to someone talking and they will say something that I have a thought on and then it’s all I can think about while they are talking and now I’m missing everything else they are saying and then by time they get to the end they thing I wanted to comment on is long past and now I have no clue what they said. I constantly have to go back and re listen to podcast cause I constantly space out on a thought and stop receiving the new information. I know there is a purpose for a brain like mine though it doesn’t seemed to be rewarded for the way it operates.

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