Man ages over two decades, public shocked

    by tom030792


    1. Accomplished_Aioli19 on

      I’m a straight ass white man, and I’d power bottom for that old ass stud, wtf you on lady?

    2. I don’t really think much of him as an actor, but he’s a handsome dude, and looks like a full head of hair to me

    3. Vampir3Robot on


      Meanwhile Lana composing the next tweet.

    4. Vegetable_Wear_3675 on

      Oh yeah, he’s so unattractive… Hideous nowadays… Please everyone, adopt this way of thinking so I’m his only option when he needs an ear to whisper Warhammer trivia into…

    5. Environmental_Yam540 on


      He is HOT. No idea what Lana is on about

    6. old-skool-bro on

      I zoomed in on the picture of the woman making the post. I don’t think Henry Cavil will lose any sleep not being found attractive by someone who looks like they’ve spent the past decade with a rolled up note in their nostril.

    7. White_RavenZ on

      Cavill has an interesting quality. You clean him up, put a suit on him, and he’s…..he’s okay. But you put him in a plaid shirt and jeans and hmmm….that looks yum.

      Now put him in a ripped shirt grimed with mud and have him not shave for a week and hold back your daughters.

      He’s reversed somehow. It’s interesting.

    8. Lightless427 on

      Uhhhh .. am I the only one that thinks he actually looks wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better now???????

      And I’m a straight guy btw.

    9. danceswit_werewolves on

      If he pulled up in an unmarked van I’d get in, no questions asked. No candy required.

    10. A moment of silence for Lana’s last remaining brain cell, which has ceased to exist

    11. First pic is “I want to do dirty things to him.” Second pic is “I want him to do dirty things to me.” “Unattractive” is not on the scale.

    12. MapleTheBeegon on

      I would have loved to see what The Witcher could have turned out like if they had used his knowledge of the francise instead of getting annoyed at his constant “nitpicks” with how they were changing shit,

    13. Elegant_Peace_6032 on

      “creepy weirdo gamer” its called a hobby.

      i`d rather have gaming hobby than Lana shitposing on social media.

      time works on us the same. we will see how you will look like a fucking hag in couple years

    14. skippychurch on

      I’m not sure who this “lana” person is, but as a straight man, I’d rather have sex with Henry Cavil than her. So…

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