“Lotto” Carpet (1575 AD → 1625 AD) – Turkey [1426×2500]

    by protocodex

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    1. Found on [Artifact Guesser](https://artifactguesser.com), an Open Artifact Database with a Time/Location Guessing Game build on top for fun and discovery.


      Carpets displaying this striking design of stylized vegetal arabesques in yellow on a red background are often called “Lottos,” after a famous altarpiece by the Italian Renaissance painter Lorenzo Lotto that depicts a similar textile. The number of examples held in European collections and depicted in paintings suggests that the carpets were popular in Europe. They were probably woven in several different places and over an extended period of time. While the earliest examples with this pattern likely date from before 1500, the design remained popular for hundreds of years, through the late eighteenth century.

      More info, images, a map of that time period, and similar artifacts [here](https://artifactguesser.com/artifacts/664bee14b1ae9d19c9bc80f2).

      Visit the [Original MET Source](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/452845) to see whether its on display, for their history timeline and further essays/resouces on this type of object.

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