There’s a consensus going on

    by FancyKnightFromMars


    1. wdum, eveyone has same potential to be chads, they are just 20%body fat and only Henry has tailored jacked on this photo

      He’s also the center of the photo, that means he becomes more handsome than rest

    2. The brother to the left is trying his damnedest. He’s like the Donnie Wahlberg to Henry Cavill’s Marky Mark

    3. 2nd from the left looks like a chad, the rest look like they hit up the local applebees after a hard day of selling solar door to door.

    4. Definitely_Human01 on

      Seems a bit unfair. They’d all look amazing if they lost some weight and maybe changed their hair styles.

      Not everyone is rich enough to afford a nutritionist, private chef and a personal trainer.

      Besides, living that kind of life where you need to be in shape all the time (since that’s the kind of job he has) sounds exhausting.

    5. Working-War-3654 on

      Why do they look like someone prompted an AI to generate images of Cavill as an old or bald guy

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